January 17, 1993

"The Public Gospel"

"The Public Gospel"

     Sometimes I think it would be nice to be a quiet, dignified, minister here in our cozy Hilo community. I could say nice things to everyone and always make them feel good.

     Any hope of such a tranquil ministry was shattered this week. I became that "wild man" with the crosses in his yard. Now I am a controversialist, a political preacher. So some may say.

     The gospel is a public message. Jesus hung stark naked on a cross, in full view of the crowds, to redeem us with his blood. New Testament preaching was often in public centers like streets, marketplaces, even the synagogue. Jesus called disciples in their workplaces - Matthew from his tax office and Peter from his nets. Now, by His Spirit, Jesus sends us out to the public.

     So it is a small thing to for me to put up a "cemetery" outside my bedroom window for a week, even though I miss playing ball with my sons. One of our members wants us to boycott stores in Hilo which sell pornography; even though she may save money on some of their "sales." In these ways we affirm the public gospel.

     Are you a public disciple? The Christian faith is to be learned in the church then lived out in public. Our "salt" is for the earth, our "light" is for the world, and our "lamp" is to be placed high upon the stand. Haili Church, through the public discipleship of its members, is to be a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden.

     We need wisdom and prayer when and how to make our discipleship public. Some Christians are so much "in the world" they have drifted from Christ Himself. It must be with Jesus and for Jesus that we enter the world as his disciples. His word remains our standard, in public and private. Not every social issue warrants a public statement. The magnificence of the gospel can be trivialized. Yet our beloved nation has "legalized" the slaughter of the holy innocents - 4,000 children are killed daily by abortion. This is not the only public evil, yet surely one of the most wicked. Christ's gospel is public, He demands public discipleship.

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