January 7, 1992

First Christmas at Haili

Mele Kalikimaka and Hau Oli Makahiki Hou!
(Hawaiian for "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year")

January 7, 1992

     Aloha from Hilo, Hawaii, the rainieast city in the USA. Life in Uganda got us into "African time," now "Hawaiian time" has become our life's pace. Perhaps we could argue for some
theological justification that historians doubt whether Jesus was actually born on 25 December! All this is to try and excuse our lateness. Nevertheless, we do send you our sincere "aloha" and prayers that all is well with you and yours this new year.
We praise God for a very wonderful 1991. Mark thoroughly enjoys the challanges and opportunities of pastoral ministry. The church family is supportive and eager to serve the Lord. Since he began in February the attendance has doubled. In April we began a second morning worship service. The Christmas season with Advent services, Cantata, and Christmas play was great. Indeed, the coming of our Lord Jesus is "good news of great joy."   
Another great joy for us is our three sons. They are very happily settled into life in Hawaii too. Right now they're outside racing their "remote control" cars, given by a generous uncle for Christmas. They are more "high tech" than the banana stalks and old tires they played with in Uganda, yet they still have the joy of simple pleasures together. They all attend the Haili Christian School (pre-school through 8th grade, 310 students) our church school. Our life is very centralized. We rent a church-owned house right across from the street from our church and school. Nathan, now 7 1/2, is in second grade. He enjoys reading and geography. Josiah, who just turned 6, is in first grade. He is a good helper and organizer. Aaron is in 4 year old pre-school. He is full of enthusiasm and loves to catch chameleons. All three of them are taking swimming lessons and are doing well, what do you expect for Hawaii? This spring Nathan and Josiah begin soccer league, we've got the ice packs ready for shin kicks. As you may imagine, life with three little guys is never dull. We praise God that they are healthy and happy. It's especially rewarding to hear them coming home from school memorizing Bible verses and singing praises to God. Pray for them, and their parents, to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Dayna is happy to be back with her family and friends here. So far she has not lacked for "honor" as a prophetess in her own home. Rather, God has opened many doors of ministry, especially through the missions committee and in Christian education. Coming home has given her many opportunities to share her faith with old friends. This year she hopes to begin a "Moms and kids" week-day morning program at the church.

We pray this finds you and yours strong in the Lord and ready for all the Lord has for us in 1992!
Mark, Dayna, Nathan, Josiah, and Aaron Blair