April 1, 2024

Risen Champion of the Islands!


Aloha, this Easter Monday!

We praise the Lord for allowing us to once again rejoice in Him as we remembered the greatest week of human history! How thankful for we are for “…our Savior, Christ Jesus, who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel” (2 Timothy 1.9,10 NIV). The tomb is empty, all God’s promises are “Yes!” and “Amen!” in Him. I, Mark, am eternally grateful that 52 years ago this high school kid trying to find fun during Easter camp on Catalina Island was found by Him who has given me a lifetime of fun. Christ is Risen, Indeed!

We recently represented IDEAS at the Hawaiian Islands Ministries conference in Honolulu. We met a number of people who are thinking through how to use their gifts and skills as part of God’s global mission.  We shared with them various ways that IDEAS is at work to provide marginalized individuals and vulnerable communities the opportunity to live flourishing, abundant lives.  At IDEAS, we focus on holistic community development. We work with local communities to address needs in agriculture, health & wellness, education, disability, and anti-human trafficking. (

In a couple weeks we plan to fly around the world! In mid-April we will take a ministry trip for IDEAS. We plan to join with our Community Life team and 
Middle East workers for a conference in Jordan. From there we plan to visit our son, Josiah, who works in Istanbul and our granddaughter in Almaty, Kazakhstan. We look forward to the ministry opportunities the Lord has placed before in the places we stop during our month of travel and service. We are very grateful for your prayers and support through IDEAS that allow us to make this journey.

We are grateful for the life the Lord has given us here in Kapa’au, Hawaii. “The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance” (Psalm 16.6). The people of Kalahikiola Church have become a loving family in Christ. Our small town turns out the lights by 8 pm.   

We joined with Christians from our community to “Walk the Cross” on Good Friday. It helped us remember and appreciate the righteous sufferings of our gracious Lord who bore the wrath of God for sins. Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Six churches from our Kohala community joined together for our Sunrise service this morning. Our men from Kalahikiola Church began scrambling eggs for 200 people at 3 am. We praise the Lord for the clear Gospel message presented by the pastor of the Baptist church who came to know Jesus right here in this town. He came as a New Age seeker and found Him who makes all things New!

Then we had our Kalahikiola Church service later in the morning,  ten miles along the coast, at Keokea Beach Park. Our members and a number of visitors gathered to praise our Risen Lord.


 We closed our service hearing the testimony of three young women who have decided to follow Jesus. Then we walked down to the water and they were baptized!

 Just one tiny spot on our globe. The tip of a small island in the vast Pacific Ocean. Yet the Risen Jesus was lifted up in our praise as we gathered in His Name – as He is in every place where people call upon Him – including your neck of the woods! 

“Let them give glory to the Lord and proclaim his praise in the islands. The Lord will march out like a champion, like a warrior he will stir up his zeal; with a shout he will raise the battle cry and will triumph over his enemies” (Isaiah 42.12,13).

Gratefully captured by His Grace, Mark and Dayna Blair


Phones Mark 808-218-4872 / Dayna 808-218-3698


Emails blairstan2@gmail.com  / mark.blair@ideasworld.org

 / dayna.blair@ideasworld.org


Blog http://blairstan.blogspot.com


Web Site https://pastormarkblair.org


IDEAS, 7852 South Elati Street, Suite 202, Littleton, Colorado 80120  www.ideasworld.org












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