December 17, 2023

Advent Blessings from Kapa'au


Aloha from the Hale (house) Kahu (of the pastor),

By God’s mercy it is Advent again. Our hope is closer than it has ever been! We’ll soon light the Christmas candle with our new family of faith at Kalahikiola Congregational Church in Kapa’au, Hawaii, population 2,004.  We are thankful for our first year of pastoral service here.

One blessing of old age is growing more and more convinced of the truth and power of the gospel of Jesus Christ – “the same yesterday, today, and forever.”

Our grey heads groan for “adoption as sons and the redemption of our bodies.” And yet, to the praise of His glory, we’re already seated with Him in heavenly places. By the gift of faith, we rest securely in His once-for-all redemption. We try to begin most days with devotion but must end every day with repentance. We’ve tearfully watched dear ones stubbornly refuse Jesus, preferring the bitter fruit of their rebellion – some for decades! We’ve also walked with brothers and sisters through sickness, poverty, disappointment, and abuse for long hard years “afflicted in every way but not crushed” – trusting in the Savior who stands for them.

Even more, this gospel - so perfectly designed for our sins and struggles - fits every person. The Creator of every culture sent His Son who speaks every language, sings in every style, and sympathizes with every pain. The Nazarene satisfies hearts in every land. We have never seen a person too far or too foreign to be saved by the Jesus of the Scriptures – “we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world.”

We are blessed to be part of a encouraging and outward looking church. We are growing together in the Word – Acts on Sundays and Romans on Wednesday nights. As the Spirit applies the truths of God, our vision for our families and  communities to know and follow Jesus is growing. 

We have worked with sister churches here on issues that impact our community.

Looking at our small community through our old mission-eyes we see kids in spiritual darkness. Their Moms and Dads profess no faith, some are hostile to religion, the light of Jesus rarely cracks into their worlds. We have learned from Child Evangelism Fellowship that Hawaii law allows facilities use on campus after school hours. So, we hope to offer Bible, song, and sharing to children at Kohala Elementary School. “Good News Clubs” have been held on over a dozen campuses throughout our state.  ( “Our vision is that every child on every island can hear the Gospel by the age of twelve.”)

CEF came to our church and trained a dozen committed believers from our community to lead clubs. Enthusiasm and vision are building. Not surprisingly, the school authorities have been dragging their feet in resistance. We’d be grateful for your prayers for the 300+ children in our public school, their families, and their teachers.   

Another cause that has banded our area churches is life. Hawaii was the first state to legalize abortion, after the Roe v. Wade decision in early 1970. Now our state lawmakers are busy seeking to enshrine death in our constitution – suggesting that abortions be linked to sunny vacations! Last month I taught my second “4 Questions” training, using great material from PassionLife friends we met in Beijing. (Your heart will thrill to see how they’re promoting life around the world, ). We are in conversation with leaders of crisis pregnancy centers on our island about them helping us open an outpost in our town. Join us in praying for moms, dad, and families, to receive and cherish every life God gives.

We praise the Lord for the privilege of serving as IDEAS Community Life workers with a focus on Asia. We have the privilege of encouraging colleagues who leverage their professional skills to help communities and individuals flourish. We marvel to live in a world with fibre-optic connections all the way to our island!

After a thorough study of their work around the world, IDEAS has decided to focus especially on six nations that offer great opportunity for Kingdom advance. The good work they are doing in other places will carry on as well. But we are praying for stronger multi-focused teams in – China, Kazakhstan, Jordan, Tunisia, Argentina, and Guatemala - to deepen the experience of abundant life for people and communities there.

Here is a new IDEAS video to help explain our work:

IDEAS Mission, Vision, & Core Values


We are thankful for the Lord’s care for our family this year. As we moved back to the USA from China, we suspected if we lived in Hawaii, we would get some visitors. We hoped so! We had no idea we’d be so blessed to live in a big parsonage, our biggest digs in 42 years of marriage. We have had the joy of hosting all three sons, our daughter-in-law, and all three grandchildren in the last year.

We are very grateful for your prayers, support, and friendship. May your joy and hope be renewed this season as we wait for Him who will come and make “all things new.”

Gratefully in His Grip, Mark and Dayna Blair




Web Site

 IDEAS, 7852 South Elati Street, Suite 202, Littleton, Colorado 80120


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