This month we had a “Keiki Bible Club.” Thirty children from our
community came for a week of Gospel ministry. We were blessed to have a team
come from Child Evangelism Fellowship to lead our program. We praise the Lord
for their faithfulness to the Word and their kindness to the children.
Please pray with us as we reach out to children and their families in our
community. We will have our August 25th Sunday service
at our local beach - followed by a baptism.
Recommended Reading for the
“If you are like most people, it probably doesn't seem all that long ago since
you were a teeny bopper looking at people who were the age that you are now and
seeing nothing but a drooping bag of varicose veins, flab, wrinkles, and
dentures. You probably said to yourself in disgust, ‘I hope I'm dead before I
get that old.’ Here you are. You are that old….Oh sure; you could easily do
without the loss of memory, back ache, bleeding gums, fatigue, loss of memory,
sore joints, bad heart, loss of memory, extra weight, hemorrhoids, chronic
indigestion, loss of memory, arthritis and loss of memory. And the loss of
memory can be tough too…The purpose of this book is to provide enough
information that we can successfully eliminate your fear of a geriatric
future...at least the ones that you can remember…By the way, did we mention
that we have arthritis?”
from “Geezerhood” by Wayne Allred
“The boundary
lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful
(Psalm 16.6).
These words of David have proven so true for us. May you know this delight
through our Lord Jesus - whom David called Lord - as we journey together round
the sun!
Gratefully in Him, Mark and Dayna Blair
Phones Mark 808-218-4872 / Dayna 808-218-3698
Emails blairstan2@gmail.com / mark.blair@ideasworld.org
/ dayna.blair@ideasworld.org
Blog http://blairstan.blogspot.com
Web Site https://pastormarkblair.org
IDEAS, 7852 South Elati Street, Suite 202, Littleton, Colorado
80120 www.ideasworld.org