August 24, 2024

Another Journey Around the Sun - for 2!

Dear Ones,

It is quite a shock to wake up in the morning and see someone that looks a lot like your grandfather staring back from the bathroom mirror. Then you remember, “Hey, you ARE old!” It’s not like we are old enough to be President of the USA or anything, but we both celebrate another lap the sun this month.

Back in 1982 our pastor preached from Psalm 67 in our wedding, and God is still pouring out the mercy to walk it, “May God bless us still, so that all the ends of the earth will fear him” (Psalm 67.7). We have received so many blessings, and it has been our greatest joy trying to give them away!

Thanks so much for the many years of your prayers and support for us and God’s Church.

We continue to serve with the Community Life team of IDEAS.

“Vision: People and communities experiencing abundant life…Community development is the foundation of all our work. We start by listening. Partnering with local people to identify needs, IDEAS provides expertise that is missing or underrepresented in the community. Our associates are experts in Agriculture, Education, Health & Wellness, Disability Services, and Anti-Human Trafficking. We seek out and amplify the voices of the marginalized. With outstretched hands and humble hearts, our programs respect the local community while encouraging people to pursue the values of God’s kingdom” (from our website: you will find updated information here about what we are doing and where we are going…)

Our specific focus is to encourage workers in Asia (virtually, and in our recent visit) and we are sharing mission opportunities with churches and potential workers here in Hawaii. Also, we have been asked to be part of a gathering of our Associates in early 2025.

“I have been young, and now am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread” (Psalm 37.25).


God has been very gracious to our family.

We made a quick trip to Portland in early July. In the photo above we are with our son, Aaron, and Nathan's wife Heather, and their sons, Kekoa and Makana.


Our son, Nathan, turned 40 this summer, while he worked with a salmon fishing crew in Alaska for six weeks.  Nathan is home now as he and Heather and their boys get ready for the birth of  # 3 this Fall.

This summer our son Josiah had a great visit with his daughter, Maylee, in Almaty! Maylee begins her third year of University in Kazakhstan this Fall. Josiah is working hard in Istanbul. His Tersane project is moving forward ( – if you’re looking for a condominium in a beautiful location, he’s your guy.

Our youngest son, Aaron, just had a birthday too. We rejoice with Aaron and Kara who were married on May the 4th.  They are living in Eugene, Oregon.

We celebrate God’s heart for the nations in our little church in Kapa’au, Hawaii – “Kalahikiola” – the dawning of a new day ( ).

Last Sunday we heard from Tami who was born and raised in our church and now serves in Honolulu. She works with young people being saved from drugs, gangs, and heartbreaks - even in ‘paradise!’  ( ). The six young people in the photo have already seen a lot of life. They came with her to our island for a work project.  Not all missionaries need a passport.

We also had a young man from Mexico, here on a mission project, and a young man from Honolulu who is preparing for long term service in Armenia, with us for worship. They are great modern day living illustrations for my sermon series through the Book of Acts. Missions today are from everywhere to everywhere.


This month we had a “Keiki Bible Club.” Thirty children from our community came for a week of Gospel ministry. We were blessed to have a team come from Child Evangelism Fellowship to lead our program. We praise the Lord for their faithfulness to the Word and their kindness to the children.

Please pray with us as we reach out to children and their families in our community. We will have our August 25th   Sunday service at our local beach - followed by a baptism.  

Recommended Reading for the Journey:

“If you are like most people, it probably doesn't seem all that long ago since you were a teeny bopper looking at people who were the age that you are now and seeing nothing but a drooping bag of varicose veins, flab, wrinkles, and dentures. You probably said to yourself in disgust, ‘I hope I'm dead before I get that old.’ Here you are. You are that old….Oh sure; you could easily do without the loss of memory, back ache, bleeding gums, fatigue, loss of memory, sore joints, bad heart, loss of memory, extra weight, hemorrhoids, chronic indigestion, loss of memory, arthritis and loss of memory. And the loss of memory can be tough too…The purpose of this book is to provide enough information that we can successfully eliminate your fear of a geriatric least the ones that you can remember…By the way, did we mention that we have arthritis?”

from “Geezerhood” by Wayne Allred

The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance”                           (Psalm 16.6).

These words of David have proven so true for us. May you know this delight through our Lord Jesus - whom David called Lord - as we journey together round the sun!

Gratefully in Him, Mark and Dayna Blair

Phones Mark 808-218-4872 / Dayna 808-218-3698
Emails  /
Web Site
IDEAS, 7852 South Elati Street, Suite 202, Littleton, Colorado 80120

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