July 20, 2023

Calvinists Persevere Calvin…by Grace!

Aloha! From the not as Big as we thought Island!!

For the last 50 years of trying to follow Jesus, John Calvin has been a trusted friend and mentor. But in the last few days Calvin has stormed across the Pacific as a terrible foe and menace. He would probably be surprised that the nomenclature of the World Meteorological Organization has made him such a bad boy. (I know some have always thought Calvin a bad boy! Not sure if there will be any hurricanes named Arminius?)

Our island, Hawaii, is big enough to fit all the other Hawaiian Islands within, the ‘Big Island.’ But Calvin was bigger! Storm clouds swallowed the island and poured rain. Thank the Lord for His kind providence, the damage was minimal! Calvin was ‘just’ a Tropical Storm at impact.

Strange how some can be hit by a monster storm and still wonder, “Is there really a God?” Strange and sad.  Old John was correct, “Only those who have learned well to be earnestly dissatisfied with themselves, and to be confounded with shame at their wretchedness truly understand the Christian gospel…No man is excluded from calling upon God, the gate of salvation is set open unto all men: neither is there any other thing which keeps us back from entering in, save only our own unbelief” John Calvin (1509-1564).

‘Kalawina’ Churches’

I imagine Calvin would be more pleased to know his name is linked to vibrant churches here in Hawaii today. The first missionaries who sailed from Boston and landed in Hawaii in 1820 were Calvinistic ‘Kalawina’ Congregationalists. They planted dozens of churches throughout the 8 islands of the Kingdom of Hawaii.

One of those churches was where we now serve Kalahikiola (Hawaiian for “the day salvation comes”) Congregational Church founded in 1832 in Kapa’au. We are very thankful to be a part of the Kalahikiola ‘ohana’ (family!). The Lord is growing us in depth and numbers as we worship and serve Him. From August I will be teaching Romans on Wednesday nights and preaching through Acts in the morning, God willing. We are praying for greater impact in our little community, especially asking the Lord to open doors for elective after-school Bible teaching for kids in our local schools.

Last Saturday we drove to the other side of our island to celebrate with a sister ‘Kalawina’ church – Kalapana Maunakea First Hawaiian Congregational Church. They celebrated their 200th anniversary! British missionary William Ellis preached to several hundred Hawaiians on the beach at Kalapana in 1823. Earthquakes, tsunamis, and lava have pushed them around, but they have continued to worship the Lord God – now in their fifth building! We were greeted through video by Ellis’ great, great, grandson, the Rev. David Ellis, aged 94, who rejoiced that the work of God continues! We heard stories about the youth of Kalapana in the 1880’s who marched three days to get to the all-state Song Contest at Haili Church in Hilo, singing as they carried their church banner. They walked back home with a beautiful trophy, presented by the Queen, as the winners of the contest. As the pastor’s wife led us in worship she called our attention to the cross in their chancel, “Jesus is not hanging on that cross. He is here with us now. And He will be with us for our next 200 years of worshipping Him!”  

Holding the Rope with IDEAS

Many people have heard of William Carey, do you know about his good friend Andrew Fuller? In 1792, William Carey published a treatise with the long title: An Enquiry Into the Obligations of Christians to Use Means for the Conversion of the Heathens. Carey challenged the hyper-Calvinistic idea that God would save the lost without workers going out in mission. Carey reasoned that the Great Commission of Matthew 28:18–20 is a binding command on every generation of Christians. Carey went to India and served faithfully there until he died in 1834.

Before leaving for India, Carey challenged his friend Fuller, “I will go down into the pit, if you will hold the rope.” Fuller held the ropes by serving as president of the Baptist Mission Society from its founding until his death in 1814. He traveled the British Isles, raising funds and preaching mission sermons. Missionaries in India and other early fields could concentrate on their work because they knew Fuller was advocating for them back home.

 Dayna and I have the privilege of holding the rope for our IDEAS colleagues serving in 13 nations. As they demonstrate transformational love by serving the holistic needs of vulnerable communities around the world with their professional skills we hold the ropes. Specifically, we are part of the Community Life team. Every week we zoom with CL colleagues to pray and serve our colleagues in practical ways. Dayna and I have been asked to especially encourage IDEAS workers in Asia. This will probably mean a visit to them in 2024. Now we connect with them virtually. We are looking forward to launching a global zoom study group of the book Extravagant Grace by Barbara Duguid (highly recommended!) this Fall.

We were in California and Oregon last month. Mark was honored to officiate a beautiful wedding for family in Santa Cruz. Lots of family gathered for a great celebration. We then had the privilege of sharing with supporting churches in California during the month of June. It was a great encouragement to meet friends and see the Lord’s work there. Many thanks to those who continue support and pray for us. We are very blessed to hold ropes for others now, having been held so well by you these last 40 years.

As I did a bit of searching on the Calvins, these words by John have caused a storm in my heart, “If a preacher is not first preaching to himself, better that he falls on the steps of the pulpit and breaks his neck than preaches that sermon.” We so appreciate your prayers and encouragement to continue faithful to Jesus!

Gratefully in His grip, Mark and Dayna Blair


Phones Mark 808-218-4872 / Dayna 808-218-3698


Emails blairstan2@gmail.com  / mark.blair@ideasworld.org

 / dayna.blair@ideasworld.org


Blog http://blairstan.blogspot.com


Web Site https://pastormarkblair.org


IDEAS, 7852 South Elati Street, Suite 202, Littleton, Colorado 80120  www.ideasworld.org




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