September 9, 1990

Farewell Uganda!

Mark and Dayna Blair
4614 Grand Avenue
La Canada, California  91011
ph (818) 790-7746

Africa Inland Mission
 P.O. Box 178
 Pearl River, New York 10965

Fall 1990

Greetings from Southern California,
In our last letter we requested prayer for guidance, thinking we had at least one more year in Uganda. Shortly after you began to pray, we were moving back home.
    Our abrupt departure was because of the serious illness of Mark's father. Four days after our return he died of cancer. We were very grateful to be with him for at least those few days. We are now glad to be home with the family at this time. We have begun our mission furlough, or "home assignment."
Besides the family crisis which prompted our leaving, we were beginning to sense a completion of our work in Uganda. We had fulfilled many goals we had set as we went out in 1983. In our seven years we had some part in the training of several hundred Ugandan Pastors. We helped raise the vision of many Ugandans for world missions, especially to Islam. We had opportunities to share the gospel with many, even the President! We have seen tremendous improvements in the nation, becoming a more secure, stable, developing country. We began to wonder what was next for us.
We took the decisive step of selling, shipping, or giving away all that we owned in Uganda, all within two weeks! As we have returned we have seen the Lord provide for our needs. We have rented a small furnished house just three blocks away from Mark's mom. We have brought our three young Ugandans to this foreign country. Nathan has begun first grade at the La Canada Elementary, where Mark went to first grade! Josiah and Aaron attend pre-school two mornings a week at a local church. In an effort to supplement our support, Mark has gotten some interesting part time jobs; as a mime, serving eviction notices, and as a Pastor on call at a funeral home. He is still trying to write about Islam in Kampala.
We have begun to share with supporting friends and churches here in California. We are eager to meet with more of you. We are planning to drive across the country to share with friends and churches, making a home base in the Philadelphia area for a couple months. At this point we are thinking about traveling eastward in March or April, returning westward in June or July. We would like to know if and when you would like us to come. Please contact us here in California.
We sense that we have come to a beginning, not an end. Uganda has been a training ground of growth and learning for us. We have written to a few close friends and church leaders in Hawaii asking about ministry opportuties.  We pray for the Lord's guidance as we commit our way to Him. We will miss many friends in Uganda. Yet we feel that to the best of our ability we are seeking to follow the Lord. We ask you to be praying for us.

Our God is great and mighty! Praise Him!

Eager to hear from you,  Mark and Dayna, Nathan, Josiah, and Aaron

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