This Sunday Mark will speak at the Hanoi International Fellowship. We came here to attend the Missional International Church Network ( meetings here next week. We are very thankful for this get-away after a super-busy, super-blessing, Easter season in Beijing International Christian Fellowship. We return to life and work in Beijing next week.
School of Preachers
About a month ago Mark had the joy of team-teaching “Principles in Communicating Scripture” for the BICF Seminary program. About 20 young adults from Zambia, Canada, England, Kenya, Tanzania, and the USA attended. Another preacher/pastor of an International Church here in Beijing was the co-teacher. It was very interesting and informative time together. In a few weeks we will have the follow up class “Practice in Communicating Scripture” and we will listen to – and interact with – our “student preachers.” Our BICF ZGC Good Friday service was a great chance to measure their progress. Mark asked seven of the students to prepare and present “5 Minute Sermons” (is that an oxymoron?!) from our Lord’s words spoken from the cross. I was bursting with pride and gratitude to hear how well they all did! You can hear them yourself if you wish:
Our motto for BICF ZGC is “Gathering, Growing, Going.” It is a great challenge and opportunity to have a congregation of mostly University students from over 70 nations. China has brought the best and brightest here from many lands. Christ has orchestrated is all to transform and train His Ambassadors to go to ends of the earth with Great News. And we have a front-row seat to see this happening! Growing by marriage too, on Easter Saturday!

Easter Hypocrisy?
One of our students groups – and you will see why they remain anonymous – was planning a student Easter camp as part of our BICF ZGC outreach. Their plans and program were going forward. But then the ‘elephant entered the room.’ Two of their active members, whom we had not seen for awhile, came by to talk with Dayna and I. Long story short, they were hurt by gossip and unkind words from this group. So they stopped coming. About two weeks before Easter I had an opportunity to speak to this group. When I mentioned my appreciation of their Easter plans there were lots of proud smiles! I noted that they had done a lot to get ready – food, travel, venue, speakers, music, etc. But there was one concern I had, “Has anyone tried to find out why so and so are no longer coming? We have heard a sad report from them that they’ve been hurt by folks in this group. I am NOT taking any sides. Maybe the problem is their fault? But if we really believe Jesus is Alive and that His resurrection changes all things, can’t we try and sort out this problem before making any more plans for an Easter Camp?” Their silence was deafening! I had to get on to another meeting, but “Mama Dayna” stayed, and stayed, and stayed – after three hours of discussion, tears, and confession. The group resolved to make things right. There were several more meetings with the 2 and the group, again with “Mama Dayna” the mediator. Praise the Lord that Easter Sunday found us breaking bread and singing His praise all together. We pray that our students, who come from many churches and traditions, learned something about true life in the Risen Jesus – we sure did!

Easter Celebration
We had 497 people gather to rejoice in our Risen Lord Easter morning. Five people – from Spain, Rwanda, and USA – made profession of faith in Christ and were baptized. A young lady from Spain and a young man from Rwanda, both students here in Beijing, joined a number of young adults we have baptized here. For the first time since I have served here, we baptized young people – the sons of our Administrator, a Deacon and the daughter of an Elder. This came at the end of healthy process where the Elders searched the Scriptures about the question: “how old must a professing believer be to be baptized?” (BICF is a believer’s baptism church.) Our answer? The Bible does not specify any age, rather the ‘answer’ is whether the person makes a credible profession of Jesus as their Lord and Savior. (We would be glad to send you a copy of the position paper we wrote on this.) We are blessed with lots of believing young people from solid Christian homes in BICF ZGC so the three we baptized on Easter might be the first-fruits of more. What a joy to see the Lord bring people to Himself here in the capital of the world’s populous nation.
California Here we Come
We plan to be in California in July and August. We look forward to seeing family, friends, and supporting churches. We are putting together our schedule now. Let us know if you are available for a visit. We look forward to opportunities to share what the Lord is doing in Beijing. We especially hope to meet those with a burden to work with International Students.
Since our last letter, we have had several friends join our support team. We are very thankful and getting closer to our monthly needs. We are very grateful for your prayers and support!
Yours in Him whom death could not hold! Mark and Dayna Blair
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Raycom Infotech Park, Tower C, Room B115,
2 Kexueyuan Nanlu, Haidian District, Beijing, China 100190
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