It is cold enough for snow but skies are clear…even blue!...here in the capital of the world’s most populous nation. We rejoice that news of the coming of the Savior of the world has captured the attention of this land. Christmas Eve has become a ‘hot date’ night for young people – and even some old folks! And it was extra special this year on a Saturday! Many stores and shopping malls are open all night. English language (not widely understood) Christmas carols play continuously. Haidian Christian Church, the large Chinese church just 2 kilometers from BICF ZGC, held ‘Christmas Eve’ services from 9 am to beyond midnight. Their pastors urged church members NOT to attend so their large venue could be filled by seekers. Hundreds stood in long lines, in the cold, waiting to get into the next service! Indeed, God created us to know Him, and ‘wise men’ still search for Him.
Our BICF ZGC family held our ‘International Christmas Concert’ in that Haidian Christian Church. Their pastor kindly invited us to use their sanctuary one Friday night in December. What a great night the Lord gave us! More than 1000 people came, dozens had to stand, to hear and see how Jesus is worshipped in many lands. The various fellowships of our church presented songs and skits from Russia, Indonesia, Africa, USA, Pacific Islands, Korea, and even China! It was especially wonderful that we were able to invite our local friends and many in our congregation took full advantage of the opportunity.
On Christmas Sunday we worshipped Him who came for us. We had the same problem of not enough seats! Lots of people watched our kids sing and tell the story. Three people gave Jesus themselves on His day through baptism, two members of the Pacific fellowship and one from the Russian. It was a joy to partner with their pastors as they baptized them. This picture taken by our son Nathan gives a glimpse of the global family of faith in BICF-ZGC. Mark was just starting to preach, not too many are asleep…yet.

Another great time of sharing the news of His coming was caroling in our office/worship building. For five days before Christmas we sang and distributed Christmas tracts to the hundreds of employees
Next week we will be in Shanghai where Mark will teach a day long course on the General Epistles for the Saturday school of the Shanghai International Fellowship. We’ll celebrate our 30th anniversary there on January 9, 2012! We praise the Lord for His wonderful faithfulness.
Thanks very much for your encouragement, prayers, and support throughout 2011! It is our privilege to partner with you in the year to come. Let’s see what the Lord has in store for all of us.
In Him who Changes Not, Mark and Dayna Blair
Our Email blairstan2@gmail.com
or markblair@bicf.org or blairstan@psmail.net (secure)
Our Mission
Pioneers - 10123 William Carey Drive - Orlando, FL 32832 – USA www.pioneers.org
Our Blog www.blairstan.blogspot.com
Skype: blairstan
Our Ministry
Beijing International Christian Fellowship - www.bicf.org
Hear Mark’s sermons at: http://bicf.org/english-service
Our Mailing Address
Beijing International Christian Fellowship / Zhong Guan Cun
Raycom Infotech Park, Tower C, Room B115,
2 Kexueyuan Nanlu, Haidian District, Beijing, China 100190
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