He is Risen! We have celebrated this truth in California, Hawaii, Uganda, Kazakhstan, and now China! This will be our first Easter to serve the Beijing International Christian Fellowship. It is our great joy to acknowledge Christ’s Victory with brothers and sisters from dozens of
nations here. A few die-hards may gather at Graceland to think about “King Elvis,” perhaps a few more will trek to Forest Lawn to remember Michael the recently passed “King of Pop.” But untold millions will gather in every nation to honor Jesus the Living King who died almost two thousand years ago. And they’ll be praising Him the Sunday’s after too!
GEM Classes
BICF is offering MA level seminary classes to the ex-pat community in Beijing and beyond. Modular week-end courses are offered for people who are busy in work and ministry. Mark recently taught his first course - “Introduction to the Bible” - for GEM (Growing and Equipping in Ministry). In April he will teach “Old Testament Survey” and at the end of May he will teach a course on “Preaching.” Students have come to Beijing from many lands and will return home better equipped to serve the Lord. Last month Mark taught leaders from Fiji, Taiwan, Singapore, Rwanda, Ukraine, Nigeria, Canada, Mauritius, and USA. Who would have thought this unlikely nation would be such an ideal venue to equip global leaders for His Church?!
Last week the entire BICF staff – about 35 – had their weekly meeting in
our office on the West side of the city. You can see how much Dayna and some of our team-mates enjoyed a fun and tasty lunch together.
BICF is quite ‘e-tronic’ – perhaps you have visited their web site. This month Mark had the privilege of writing the “Elder’s Note” for their monthly e-bulletin. You can see his Easter message there at http://bicf.org/component/acymailing/archive/view/listid-1-bicf-enews/mailid-12-bicf-enews-042010-april/Itemid-163
Chinese Language
Dayna is in the thick of her second semester of Mandarin. She continues to enjoy her studies and works very hard to keep up. Classes are five mornings a week and homework goes late into most nights! She already can carry on basic conversation and read many characters. Mark’s respect for the Chinese people has grown tremendously as he realized they can read, write, and speak Chinese! It is amazing to him that all those cute little squiggly lines mean something!!
Dayna has been sharing her ‘aloha’ with many in our Church family and beyond. Many of our members are students and a number call her “Mom” (the Africans say “Mama”!). She has also been giving English lessons and encouragement to a Chinese sister who serves as a pastor in the Three-Self Protestant Church near us. More than 6000 people worship there each Sunday, 1000 in their English language service. Without a ‘ticket’ (given out at their church for free) you’ll have no hope of getting inside on Easter. Even with this attempt to control the crowd there is near bedlam. When Dayna mentioned our Easter plans at BICF to their pastor, she replied “We are making 7000 Easter eggs for our members.” Volunteers blow out the egg and paint each shell! “Then we make omelets!”
Jesus – Savior of the World
Our Sunday attendance at BICF is growing too. Right now we are going through the Gospel of Luke. Last Sunday we had our 2nd Children’s Dedication. More than 15 little one’s were dedicated to the Lord by their parents this month, including beautiful little Ellen from Namibia.
Last Sunday we also recognized three new Elders and will receive seven new deacons next Sunday. With our very transient, mobile, global congregation these leaders are very much needed and appreciated! It is a joy to be a part of this special family of faith here in Beijing, gathering each Sunday to worship Him and hear His Word. The global Church of Jesus Christ is one of the most remarkable evidences to His truth. His innumerable family confirms the old Gospel chorus, “You ask me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart!”
We are very grateful for your faithful prayers and generous support which allow us the privilege of serving the Lord here in China. We pray the joy of the Risen Jesus will fill your heart in a special way this Easter and forever!
Yours in His great love, Mark and Dayna Blair
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