This Monday Mark will begin a nine-week course of chemotherapy. For the last several weeks he’s had tests and visits with doctors here in Beijing. It appears the testicular cancer (seminoma) he had surgery for almost three years ago has returned. Two tumors have been seen in his chest. His American oncologist here in Beijing is hopeful this treatment will knock out the tumors. He talks about Lance Armstrong, who once had many more tumors from the same type of cancer. I guess I need to get a bicycle soon!
The Lord is good…all the time. We thank Him for good doctors and treatment, insurance coverage, good Christian family here that loves and supports us, and most of all Him - the Great Physician. The treatment, five days of chemo, and two weeks off, five more days, two weeks off, and then five days again (total of 15 days of medication) should be over by December 18. Kicking this cancer would be a great ‘Christmas gift’! We are so grateful for your prayers for healing…again!
Any medical procedure administered by an honest doctor comes with a list of ‘maybes.’ Maybe the course of chemo will be rough. Maybe I won’t need haircuts for awhile, or toe nail trims. Maybe when my white blood cells go way down I will get some bug. Or even, maybe this treatment won’t work. But in Christ we have an even longer list of ‘for sure’s.’ Indeed, all the promises of God are “Yes!” and “Amen!” in Jesus –throughout all our life and eternity. So the joyful journey with Him continues….
Great things are happening at BICF…
Despite the diagnosis I feel great. “Who’da thunk a couple little buggers are growing in there?” I am eager to preach from Ecclesiastes chapter 10 tomorrow. We are very thankful and encouraged with the ministry here at Beijing International Christian Fellowship. We are blessed to partner in His service with lots of fine brothers and sisters from all over the world. Last Sunday night all our congregations – English, Korean, Mandarin, Indonesian, and African – were together for a Unity Celebration. We praised His name and prayed for one another.
Quite a Monkey…
“So what do you do?” asked a thirty-something Chinese nurse. I had to spell the word P-A-S-T-O-R for her to type on onto the Chinese-English dictionary on her mobile phone. “Oh, I guess you work for a church.” Right! Having a few minutes to wait for some test results, I ventured, “So, what do you think about Jesus Christ?” “I have no idea. I know nothing about it. Chinese people have no religion.” I asked if she had ever been to a church? “No.” Ever read the Bible? “No.” Do you know anyone who is a Christian? “No.” Would you like to know about Jesus? “Yes!” When I told her about God she perked up and claimed that Chinese believe they come from monkeys. I replied, “Wow, that is some monkey! He must have made the stars, the oceans, and the mountains too!”
This nurse worked three years in a Middle Eastern country and there a Muslim doctor told her, “Christians and Muslims believe in one God who created all things.” I agreed. She said, “He told me that if I did not become a Muslim I would go to hell. Do you think if I do not believe in Jesus I will go to hell?” I said yes. She then shared that her Muslim friend challenged her belief in ‘the monkeys.’ His question lingered in her mind, “Then,” asked the Muslim doctor, “who made the monkeys?” With a blank stare into the distance she mused, “I do not know who made the monkeys.”
We got the long-term visas we asked prayer for in our last letter. By God’s grace we want to continue the work of ministry and outreach here in Beijing. So many here have never heard about Him! Dayna is working very hard as a student of Chinese language; five days a week, four hours a day, and then studying late into most nights. But she is determined and eager to learn. Pray for her in this time of ‘unexpected nursing.’ Here is Dayna with her classmates…
Thanks for praying for our family, back in Kazakhstan and in America. Nathan managed to run 102 miles in just over 27 continuous hours. He was able to raise more than $2500 for kids in Mongolia. Praise God!
Yours in His faithfulness, Mark and Dayna Blair
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