We have just returned from a very productive preparatory trip to our new harvest field – Beijing. It was a special joy that our son Nathan and his wife Heather came with us.
We had the privilege of staying with the pastor we will follow at Beijing International Christian Fellowship Zhong Guan Cun. He graciously showed us around, introduced us to our new colleagues and neighbors, and gave us a much better understanding of the task before us. We were there for three Sundays, preaching on one. Not only did we attend the two English services, we had the further privilege of attending services of the Korean, Mandarin, and Indonesian congregations which are also part of our church. We also went to Bible studies, prayer meetings, office staff meetings, and met with leaders of the entire BICF with whom we will serve. It was all very exciting. God is doing great things there. Countless times our new friends said, “We have been praying for you for a long time.” Thank you for praying too! We are very grateful.
You can listen to the sermon Mark preached there on Palm Sunday at:
or find it on April 5 from http://bicf.org/sermonfull_menupage.cfm
We are looking forward to serving this diverse congregation. We sensed an eagerness to grow in the Lord and His Word. Sixty percent are students, coming from all over the world. Many are studying Chinese in anticipation of further work and studies in that nation. Eighty percent of the congregation is involved in education in some way. We meet in the midst of the greatest collection of campuses in all of China. Eighty-two universities are in close proximity. We have Africans from more than twenty African nations. People come to worship at BICF from every continent.
There are more people crowded into the city of Beijing than live in the vast expanse of Kazakhstan. Noise, crowds, smells, and smog are constant. Yet, we found people to be helpful, patient, and open. Just at the times we found ourselves frustrated by our lack of Chinese language a kind passer-by would help us communicate. We really need prayer to get a basic grasp of Mandarin….fast! Dayna and Heather had a great time shopping, singing like birds – cheap, cheap, cheap!
While in Beijing Mark had a thorough physical exam. No traces of the two cancers he had surgery for in February 2007 were found. Thanks be to God! Our son Nathan was also able to have an extensive stress test for his heart in anticipation of the very long distances he will be running later this year. Doctors found him very fit. So he is moving forward with his plan to run three ultra-marathons, the longest 100 miles. He is hoping to raise a significant amount of funds to provide schoolbooks for children in Mongolia. You can read more about this at http://edurelief.org/involved/people-nathan
On our last day there we signed a contract for renting our new home – a very nice apartment located near the church, at the junction of two Subway lines, and next to Beijing’s only Wal-mart SuperCenter! This was the last step of a series of divine encouragements. All the way along we felt carried on His ‘eagle’s wings.’ Our trip began with a challenge the Kazakh Immigration officials did not want to let Mark out of their country. The last time his visa was extended a small mistake was made on one exit document. This omission of a ‘little’ stamp was huge in their eyes. Fortunately, an airline captain who is in our Almaty ICF was with us and declared the flight a ‘medical emergency’! (I did have my exam the next day in Beijing J!) But I had a hard time not laughing when he looked at the Kazakh official and said, “If this man dies here because you will not let him out of your country, you will have to face the consequences.”!! God got us out of that jam and carried us all the way.
Now we are back in Almaty until our moving date of June 11. We are quite busy here; preaching at ICF, teaching in local Bible schools, and figuring out what to do with our stuff. (Thanks to this trip, a big pile of it is already in Beijing!) The best quote we have found on shipping things to this neighbor nation is $15 a kilo! Needless to say, we are doing our best to downsize! The apartment we have rented in Beijing is furnished nicely.
We are acutely aware that this is not the most ideal time to ask for your financial support. But even without much asking you have graciously given to meet our needs in these difficult times. In a recent interview in Christianity Today, Rick Warren reminds us that times of crisis are not times to retreat from ministry. He tells that they just baptized 800 people at Saddleback Church! This trip to Beijing has been a strong confirmation of His leading to an important ministry opportunity. We are so glad we stand together with you! Thank you. We hope you come and visit us, just wear your red cap…
Yours in our Risen Lord, Mark and Dayna Blair
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