May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. Psalm 67.1,2
Twenty five years and eleven months ago a California guy with cool 'Afro' hair and a lovely Hawaiian girl heard their pastor read this Psalm during their wedding in Hilo, Hawaii. In the years following they dwelt in the smile of God's face as they shared His salvation among the nations. Three sons were born during their eight years in Africa - grew during their seven years in Hawaii - and matured during their nine years in Central Asia. Last weekend the guy – now with a diminishing amount of white hair – spoke these same words of blessing for their first born son and his bride.
May the peoples praise you, O God; may all the peoples praise you. Psalm 67.3
We rejoice in the smile of our gracious King! What a joy to see Nathan and Heather proclaim their love for Jesus and one another. Family and friends gathered from far and wide – even Masha and Maylee from Kazakhstan – to support the happy couple. While we shiver in Oregon, we envy them in the sun and surf on their Hawaiian honeymoon.
May the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you rule the peoples justly and guide the nations of the earth. Psalm 67.4.
In God's good providence we've seen Him praised among many nations in 2007. Central Asia, Southeast Asia, North America, and the islands of the Pacific. Jesus rules and reigns and His Kingdom advances. We have so enjoyed your rich fellowship and warm hospitality. Several years passed since we'd been with many friends and churches. What a joy to know that through those years you have faithfully upheld us before Him who rules and guides with justice. Mahalo nui loa! (Thank you very much!) As we enter 2008 we affirm the promise of this Psalm. No matter what – He rules! The challenges we face within our world, our churches, our families, and even in our bodies are part of His Sovereign plan – working for our good, achieving His glory.
God will bless us, and all the ends of the earth will fear him. Psalm 67.7
How could the Psalmist write with such confidence? Because in the fullness of time the blessing of God came in the babe of Bethlehem. The gracious face of God was revealed in Jesus our Emmanuel. Through Him we have received one blessing after another. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. So we wish you His blessing this 'Advent' (Latin for 'come'). Our wish comes in the strong confidence of Him who came, has come, and will come again!
After we share Christmas and the New Year with family, we leave for another term of Kingdom service in Kazakhstan on 10 January 2008. We ask for your prayers and continued support. The door of opportunity remains open for us in Central Asia. We have been given an unique privilege to help equip and encourage young Christian leaders to plant and grow His Church in lands where few know Him. It is always hard to leave the comfort of family and friends here. What a kick it's been to ride the waves in the Pacific, graze In & Out (over graze I'm afraid!), and cheer the University of Hawaii through their first undefeated football season! But what a greater kick to see ALL the nations rejoice and sing for joy in Him. Someday we'll gather with them all around His glorious throne...wow! That will be BIG Screen and HIGH DEFINITION big time.
Yours in our Advent King,
Mark and Dayna Blair
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International Christian Fellowship http://www.icf.nursat.kz/
Tien Shan School http://www.tienshanschool.org
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Blair - 190 Ululani Street - Hilo, Hawaii 96720
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