We hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Ours was great! We had a new baby boy to capture our hearts – and bring a vivid reminder of the precious Son sent from Heaven.
The little guy has a big name - Kukini nu’oli o ke Akua Kupa’a Blair. (His first name means “swift runner with the Good News of God,” middle name means “steadfast”…may God make it so!) Of course, we enjoyed his brothers and parents too! We’re very thankful that Nathan and Heather brought Kekoa, Kana, and Kini to be with us.
Kini, Nathan, Mark, Dayna, Koa, Kana, Josiah, & Heather @ Kalahikiola
And then one night during their visit, Josiah walked in the door! Dayna and I had no idea he was coming from Istanbul, he, Nathan, and Heather kept the surprise.
We are humbled by your continued support for our Kingdom service. We regularly connect and pray with IDEAS colleagues in Jordan, Kazakhstan, China, India, and Bangladesh. They encourage and inspire us! We had the privilege of being part of an IDEAS conference in Jordan in April. We are booked to share in meetings with IDEAS Board and Associates in Guatemala in January 2025. Most of all, we are grateful for your prayers.
We pray you
and yours will have a wonderful year of our Lord 2025. How wonderful to know Him who came to free us from our sins -
who comes to fill us with His joy - and who will come again to finish God’s
forever new creation!
Gratefully in Him, Mark and Dayna Blair
“Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift!”
(2 Corinthians 9.15).
The calendar
we use says that one week after the day to consider the gift of God for eternal
life is a day of crisis: an end and a beginning. I just recently learned to
write 2024, now I must get used to 2025.
When baby
Jesus grew to manhood, he was a divider. Some in Israel called him Messiah,
others had him murdered. Some called him liar; others call him Lord. Now all
history is split Before Christ or Anno Domini (Latin for ‘in the year of the
Lord’). He will carry you to Heaven or sentence you to Hell. He will be your
Savior or your Judge.
By the mercy
of God most of us will see the year of our Lord 2025. But let it be a reminder
that the final, final, buzzer will sound. This year of new beginnings is a time
to repent of our sin and receive the Savior – for ourselves, our ohana, and all
those we know and love. Like His first visitors, those who really know Him
cannot keep quiet, “…the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for
all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them” (Luke 2.20).