Blue Sky Greetings from Beijing!
We are looking forward to being with our family in
Oregon tomorrow. We are very thankful for the opportunity to see our grandson
Kekoa, his parents Nathan and Heather, and our son Aaron. Josiah plans to come
from Kazakhstan later in the summer. God is so good!
We have been
busy with lots of good things here. Mark joined with the BICF Elders in ordaining
one of our pastors for a life of Gospel ministry. Dayna made leis for Pastor
Favour, his wife Helen, and their children. They have faithfully served the
African Outreach Ministry of BICF for over 8 years. They came here from Nigeria
as students, married, had children, earned a Ph.D. and now pastor a church in
Dayna led 33 ladies from our congregation to join in
the BICF Women’s Retreat. Together more than 80 had a great time of fellowship
and friendship
Last night we had bitter-sweet good-byes with a
handful of dear students and colleagues in the Gospel on our rooftop. A dozen
graduates who are part of our Africa Connect Ministry came for a meal and
fellowship. It was touching to hear how the Lord has used our church in their
walk and now how they’re ready to go home and serve in local churches,
business, education, and government. Two sisters were just baptized in our
service this morning, one from California and one from Philippines. Your
prayers and gifts for us are having a profound global impact.
As you can see below, we will have a busy summer of
visiting churches in California, and one in Pennsylvania. It would be a great help to borrow a reliable car in
California, if anyone has one available.
June 7 Meadowlark Community Church, San Marcos, CA
June 14 First Baptist Church of El Segundo, CA
June 21 New Life Presbyterian Church, La Mesa, CA
June 28 Chinese Community Church, San Diego, CA
July 5 Carlsbad Community Church, Carlsbad, CA
July 12 Leesburg Presbyterian Church, Volant, PA
July 19 Montrose Community Church, Montrose, CA
July 26 Valley Presbyterian Church, North Hills, CA
August 2 Biola Congregational Church Biola, CA,
August 23 Sierra Presbyterian Church, Nevada City,
For the Desire of Nations, Mark and Dayna
Our Mission
Pioneers - 10123 William Carey Drive -
Orlando, FL 32832 – USA
(Checks should be made out to ‘Pioneers’
– with a separate note attached saying: ‘Mark and Dayna Blair, Beijing.’
Electronic transfers can be sent to: )
Skype blairstan
Our Ministry
Hear Mark’s sermons at:
BICF Sermon App for Apple or Android: (ZGC sermon tab)