Very warm greetings from Beijing, China!
Our short, pleasant, Spring quickly melted into
sizzling heat; every day will reach 100
F (37 C) this week. But we did not move from Hawaii for the weather. Shorts,
slippers, and A/C work here too! Even in the heat, we are thankful for the
season of fruitful ministry the Lord has placed before us.
Easter Celebration
We joined the Church around the world to remember
our Crucified and Risen Lord during Holy Week last month. Once again seven members
spoke briefly Jesus’ seven words from the cross during our Good Friday service.
Great News was shared by brothers and sisters from Nigeria, New Zealand, China,
Samoa, and the USA. While I met with the young man from Samoa to review his
message, I was touched to hear what God was doing in his life. He said, “I have
recently come to understand there is nothing I can do to save myself…not my
religion… my baptism…not being good…I believe salvation is completely a gift of
God who loves us!” Now he helps me craft my sermons J!
From that reflective night we moved to rejoicing on
Resurrection morning. It was especially fun to be led in praise by our Youth
Band with a 12 year old not much taller than the keyboard who effortlessly
cranked out joyful tunes with a contagious smile as he “rocked the house.”
Dayna joined our other Polynesians with worship in
dance. Easter morning we doubled our attendance – over 800 packed into our
Heddy’s Dilemma
After Easter we offered a follow-up program to
explain more about the Christian faith to seekers. We used a simple, biblical,
teaching program called 3-2-1 (
Their simple, direct, explanation of the Trinity right up front is very helpful
and honest.
In one of our discussion groups I met a 30 year old
Chinese woman named Heddy. Following Jesus was interesting to her, but the cost
was great. Chinese describe a woman of her age with the cruel phrase, “past her
expiration date.” So she faces strong parental pressure to marry the boyfriend
she moved in with five years ago. Back then he made big promises of taking her
to the States for her pursue her dream of a Ph.d. Now, he gives many reasons
why they should postpone both travels and marriage – and he is out most nights chasing
other women. But Heddy does not feel strong enough to walk away from him. Her
parents have told her that if she walks away from him, they will walk away from
her – sacrificing their daughter for a scoundrel because of their social honor.
Lots of complex relationship pain in this nation! And if she follows Jesus she
will have to quit her membership in the Communist Party which is a necessary
part of retaining her well-paying government-linked job. Jesus call to “deny
yourself, pick up your cross, and follow Him” is more than abstract theory for
Heddy. Pray for her.
MICN in Beijing
After Easter the BICF hosted the 11th
Missional International Church Network ( Over 70 leaders from
International churches around the world gathered for five days of study,
fellowship, and sharing. Dr. Hwa Yung, a Methodist Bishop from Malaysia,
challenged us with his Plenary Sessions on Contextualization of the Gospel. Here
is Mark leading a workshop on “Preaching in the International Church.”
The Good Life Hawaii Radio Show
Before leaving Hawaii we recorded an interview about
our life and ministry with Pastor Danny Yamashiro for his radio program “The
Good Life Hawaii.” You can listen as we go “down memory lane” with him.
China Travelers
We have enjoyed a number of visitors in the last
several weeks. We hosted pastors from Kauai, Abu Dhabi, and Los Angeles who
shared with our church. We also hosted a brother who has worked among
International Students for many years. He was really encouraged to see the
unique opportunities the Lord has given us here to reach them.
A Hui Hou!
Soon we face the sad prospect of saying ‘good-bye’
to dozens of our members who’ll graduate from their Bachelor’s, Master’s, and
Ph.d programs. It does help as Christians to say “see you later” (Hawaiian: A Hui Hou!) because by the grace of God
that is true. But it also helps to remember the motto of our BICF ZGC, “Gathering, Growing, Going.” Almost 100
nations will be changed by these dynamic Gospel-servants who have become more
mature leaders here in China. We trust they will have many years of
Kingdom-service ahead. Pray they will find great spouses, raise great kids, and
make a great impact in their families, communities, workplaces, and nations.
The Word of God, empowered by the Spirit of God, and lived out by the people of
God is the greatest hope for this lost and dying world.
June marks five years of our pastoral ministry here in
this capital city of the world’s most populated nation. It still seems hard to
believe we are here. He continues to open wonderful doors of opportunity! From
our long morning study of Revelation, Mark plans to preach through 1 Timothy –
“God’s Church: Leading, Loving, and Living.” On Sunday nights he will work with
our team of young preachers as we go through the Book of Daniel. This Saturday
Dayna will be one of the Teachers for a BICF wide workshop on Children’s
Thanks very much for your faithful prayers and
support. Let us know how we can pray for you too!
Yours in our Mighty Savior,
Mark and Dayna Blair
Our Mission
Pioneers - 10123 William Carey Drive -
Orlando, FL 32832 – USA
(Checks should be made out to ‘Pioneers’
– with a separate note attached saying: ‘Mark and Dayna Blair, Beijing.’
Electronic transfers can be sent to:
Our Email
Skype blairstan
Our Ministry
Beijing International Christian
Hear Mark’s sermons at: