from Beijing in the Name of our Savior,
night we had a wonderful Good Friday service and we are eagerly anticipating
our and Easter services in the Beijing International Christian Fellowship. A
sister serving Him in Kazakhstan sent this great reminder: “Jesus died to pay
for our sins. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is God’s affirmation that He
got the check and it cleared the bank!”
What a privilege to declare His saving grace – ours
because He died and rose! – in the capital of the world’s most populous nation!
More than 50 people will be baptized in the BICF this Easter, 14 of them in our
ZGC location.
Dayna just came from being with “The Islanders” for
their Easter camp about one hour north of the city. About 25 students from
Samoa, Tonga, Palau, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, and Fiji joined with a Worship
Leader from the Philippines and a Bible Teacher from England. More than half of
the ‘campers’ are not regulars in our BICF Pacific Fellowship; and nine of them
came forward to receive the Lord. Pray with us that they will walk with our
Crucified and Risen Lord Jesus. Some of them joined Dayna for baking goodies
that were sold to raise funds for their camp…..
Testament Survey
During three weekends of March Mark was able to teach
a New Testament Survey course for our BICF Seminary program. Almost 20 came
from USA, Botswana, Zambia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, China, and Ghana. Praise
the Lord that so many from around the world are here to can grow deeper in
their knowledge of the Word during their sojourn in Beijing.
Bigger than our Boxes!
What narrative works to
define the Church in China? How can we understand God’s growing family amidst
this nation of 1.3 billion people? Many still call it a ‘persecuted’ church.
There are difficulties, some are imprisoned, a number suffer indignities and
restrictions. But given the massive size of the Church in China the few cases
of present persecution are a very small percentage. Perhaps even smaller than in
nations that claim to be ‘free.’ We are amazed how freely the Word of God is
moving across China. Others call it a ‘needy’ church – think images of
peasants, empty rice bowls, and poverty. There are many poor in China, though not many
destitute. Last week Dayna and I joined many well-dressed Chinese in a Starbuck’s
coffee right near glitzy showrooms for Rolls Royce and Bentley’s. On the other
hand, some call it a ‘missionary’ church. They are on the
move – some are taking Good News from here to Jerusalem. But most Chinese
Christians are trying to come to grips with what following Jesus means right
where they live. Others optimistically already call China a ‘Christian
nation.’ Not yet! Yes, there are probably more Christians here than in
any other nation. But the enormous population dwarfs the size of the church to
single digit percentage. In a land this massive, just about any narrative you
employ will carry some truth. Like wading in a pond, you will hit some cold
spots, then warm spots – temps can change with every step. Thanks to our Risen
Lord Jesus His Church in China grows rapidly every day, and will keep growing
from strength to strength.
Heading West
We travel out of China
Easter Monday. First to Kazakhstan. We are eager to see our son Josiah and
granddaughter Maylee. (It has been two years since we have seen her!!). Mark
will lead a pastor’s conference there and preach in a church
pastored by a former
student. Then to Abu Dhabi for a couple days with friends in a large
International church there. We look forward to enjoying their worship (on
Friday) there. Then on to Kuwait where we will participate in the Missional
International Church Network meetings. Then on to we will play tourist in
Jordan and Israel before heading back to China. We are very thankful for this
opportunity to visit friends and see what the Lord is doing in these diverse
lands. Pray that we will be refreshed and be an encouragement to His people.
praise the Lord who has met our every need in missionary service. Thirty years
ago, 1983, we set out as a young childless couple for Africa! But we do want
you to know our support levels are down – by about $1000 a month. “Why don’t you get a salary from the BICF?”
Good question! They do give a monthly stipend that pays our apartment rental. And
they are paying for our upcoming conference travels. Sunday offerings from our
congregation of mostly students cover the meeting venue rental, salaries for
our Administrator and receptionist. If you need more information about our work
or finances we are open for any questions. We’re humbled to be stewards of His
Gospel and your resources for His service here.
pray that this will be a wonderful Easter for you and your family.
in Him who Lives!
Mark and Dayna Blair
Our Mission
Pioneers - 10123 William
Carey Drive - Orlando, FL 32832 – USA
(Support checks should be
made out to ‘Pioneers’ – with a separate note on the check saying: ‘Mark and
Dayna Blair, Beijing.’ Some have asked, and you can send funds through
electronic transfers too: )
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Our Mailing Address
Beijing International
Christian Fellowship / Zhong Guan Cun Raycom Infotech Park, Tower C, Room
B115, 2 Kexueyuan Nanlu, Haidian
District, Beijing, China 100190
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Beijing International
Christian Fellowship -
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