We are full of grateful praise unto Him whose love has no bounds. We are healthy, busy, and fulfilled in our Gospel work here in Beijing. With our church venue surrounded by dozens of large universities, life begins in the Fall. Again this year we have many students and faculty joining the services, small groups, and activities of Beijing International Christian Fellowship Zhong Guan Cun. Our vibrant congregation is a sea of eager faces from throughout Africa, the Pacific islands, all directions in Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Wow! This Sunday we will baptize new believers from Samoa, Rwanda, Antigua, and Indiana.

Dayna made a cake to say ‘farewell’ to a Tongan sister who has gone to study in Shanghai.
Our ZGC leaders have launched a long term plan to more systematically reach the thousands of international students in our neighborhood with the love of God. We have taken a tip from James Engle whose ‘scale of receptivity’ to the Gospel reminds us that some are hungry to know Jesus while others have no idea He came. People are opening their homes and hearts to befriend newcomers into this mega-city. After each Sunday morning service we have members ready to help people in their adjustment, from the nearest subway stop to the tastiest burritos! We can serve, but only God can save! We are grateful for your prayers that we can seize these many opportunities to show and speak the Gospel.
In late August Mark had the privilege of preaching at Haidian Christian (Three-Self Protestant) Church just near us here in Beijing. They have the wonderful problem of too many people, more than 7000 so far. People queue for half an hour to push their way into the five services each

http://english.hdchurch.org/html/news/2011/0828/260.html - entire service and sermon text!
Sunday. The 1500 seat auditorium, numerous overflow rooms, and crowded corridors with TV monitors are full. This church is open to all people in China and is faithfully preaching the Gospel on Sundays and throughout the week. Their crowds affirm the deep interest in Christianity in China that is being recognized even in the secular press.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-14838749 Article has a picture of Haidian Church.
Thank you for the many birthday wishes in August. We managed to keep Dayna’s 60th birthday lunch a surprise! Not only did most of our church join us for the celebration, our sons Josiah and Nathan and daughter in law Heather were with us. Dayna got 60 leis from our church family!

Nathan and Heather have moved here to Beijing. Within their first month they both got jobs, Heather teaching English to high school students in the Beijing Royal School and Nathan as an Industrial Designer at “M.A.D.E. Innovation”. Having just finished their schooling they now start their careers in this vibrant economy with colleagues from all over the world. We are very glad to have them here. Josiah and Maylee are still ‘next door’ in Kazakhstan and Aaron is across the pond in Oregon.
Here are some upcoming ministries we would be grateful for you to lift up in prayer:
September 25 – Preaching at 9th Anniversary service of BICF Filipino Congregation
October 8/9, 15,16 – Teaching Systematic Theology course for BICF Seminary
October 23 – Seminar on Preaching and Leadership for BICF ‘Next’ Congregation
October 30 – Preaching at BICF Korean Congregation
And most Sundays Mark continues to preach through the Book of Acts for the ZGC English congregation. We continually give thanks for your faithful support, prayers, and friendship as we serve the Lord here in Beijing.
Yours in His Joy, Mark and Dayna Blair
Our Email blairstan2@gmail.com
or markblair@bicf.org or blairstan@psmail.net (secure)
Our Mission
Pioneers - 10123 William Carey Drive - Orlando, FL 32832 – USA www.pioneers.org
Our Blog www.blairstan.blogspot.com
Skype: blairstan
Our Ministry
Beijing International Christian Fellowship - www.bicf.org
Hear Mark’s sermons at: http://bicf.org/english-service
Our Mailing Address
Beijing International Christian Fellowship / Zhong Guan Cun
Raycom Infotech Park, Tower C, Room B115,
2 Kexueyuan Nanlu, Haidian District, Beijing, China 100190