I write from my study, watching a spectacular display of fireworks all across Beijing on this last night of Chinese New Year. Dayna has a few more days in the Hawaiian sunshine. I arrived last Friday and jumped into a busy weekend of ministry with the Beijing International Christian Fellowship. Last Saturday and Sunday I team taught a course on the ‘Work and Life of a Leader’ with two pastor/colleagues. We’ll finish the course this coming weekend. About a dozen aspiring leaders from all around the world joined in. I also began preaching through the book of Acts Sunday morning. It was magnificent to reunite with our family of faith here. They are going strong.
Meanwhile, Dayna is with her family back in Hilo, Hawaii. We were there together for the funeral of her elder sister, Gaylyn. It was a celebration of her 60 years of life, and most of all her entrance into the everlasting Day of His presence. You can see the family gathered below, even her husband George (4th from left in back row in blue/green shirt), can smile through the tears.
The next day the whole family enjoyed a warm and sunny day in Hilo. Best of all Dayna and her 5 surviving siblings, and other family members, spent the day with their Mom. It was a special time of being all together. Just before we left that night, all her children gathered for a picture as they gave her a kiss good-night.
She went to bed and woke up in heaven. Dayna and I found out when we were already in Honolulu. I needed to proceed to Beijing. Dayna and Nathan went back to Hilo. I just Skyped with Dayna who said her funeral services today went very well. Many family members and friends gathered to celebrate her 85 years of life. Dayna is booked to arrive here in Beijing Monday night.
Thanks for praying for Dayna and her family as they adjust to life without these two dear ones. Knowing Jesus in every season of life is a great comfort and joy.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support for our ministry. Many here do not yet know the everlasting comfort and joy through His Gospel.
Yours in Him who is the Resurrection and the Life,
Mark and Dayna Blair
Our Email blairstan2@gmail.com
or markblair@bicf.org or blairstan@psmail.net (secure)
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Pioneers - 10123 William Carey Drive - Orlando, FL 32832 – USA
Our Blog www.blairstan.blogspot.com
Skype: blairstan
Our Ministry
Beijing International Christian Fellowship - www.bicf.org
Hear Mark’s sermons at: http://bicf.org/sermon-zgc
Our Mailing Address
Beijing International Christian Fellowship / Zhong Guan Cun
Raycom Infotech Park, Tower C, Room B115,
2 Kexueyuan Nanlu, Haidian District, Beijing, China 100190