I have just spent the last 9 days with over 4000 brothers and sisters from over 190 countries from 8.30 am to 9.30 pm! Tired? Yes! Exhilarated? YES! Speakers – on just one day I heard John Piper, Tim Keller, Nicky Gumbel, Os Guinness, and David Wells! Music – string symphony, choirs, singers from many nations, loud, vibrant singing! Updates from many nations – it is astounding how rapidly the Church of Jesus is growing around the world – even in ‘very resistant’ lands – often through suffering! Reports about global challenges, one example, did you know there are more slaves today than ever before in human history! Workshops and Discussion – extremely valuable opportunities to network with colleagues from many lands. Truly the work of mission today is ‘from everywhere to everywhere.’ Clear evidence that the Church in the majority world – Asia, Africa, and Latin America – forms the vast majority of contemporary Christendom – 60% of the delegates were from these lands. I have been trying to drink from a fire hose! It will take me weeks to process all I gained. By the grace of God I will spend the rest of my life putting it into practice.
It was very rewarding personally to reunite with dear brothers and sisters from the 8 years we spent in Uganda and 11 years in Kazakhstan. What a joy to see those we have had the privilege of sharing with now key global leaders in His Church. The African host of the event was our colleague in the 1980’s, Henry Luke Orombi, who is now Archbishop of the Church of Uganda (Anglican).
The Church he oversees has 8 million members!! There were also friends from my seminary years there. It was truly a rehearsal for heaven. Cape Town itself foreshadows the Celestial City, breathtaking beauty abounds.
One group not there was the delegation from China. There were over 200 empty seats which had been reserved for Chinese leaders from inside the nation. There were Chinese representatives present, many who live/serve/study outside of China came – as well as foreign workers inside China. To be fair the communication with the Chinese authorities could have been better. The Chinese government has a huge job to create order and security for their population of more than one billion. We Christians – everywhere – need to do a much better job of giving a clear and compelling reason for the ‘hope that lies within us.’ It would NOT be correct to say the absence of our Chinese brethren was an act of persecution. Indeed, there are great freedoms in China. There are MORE followers of Jesus Christ in China than in any nation in the world! Actually their absence has already prompted more people in China to consider the message of Lausanne – world evangelization – than ever!
Just as I get over my jet lag from this eastward trek, Dayna and I will head west to Hawaii. We are eager to be with our families and report to our supporting churches. We are so grateful for your sustaining prayers and support.
Very Gratefully in Him, Mark Blair, for Dayna too!
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Hear Mark’s sermons at: http://bicf.org/sermon-zgc
Our Mailing Address
Beijing International Christian Fellowship / Zhong Guan Cun
Raycom Infotech Park, Tower C, Room B115,
2 Kexueyuan Nanlu, Haidian District, Beijing, China 100190