Thank you for lifting us up! We’re at the threshold of a number of ministry opportunities here in Beijing. Our health is good! We thank God for your support and prayers allowing us to serve Him here.
We’re in our ‘Fall Push’ in the Beijing International Christian Fellowship. Zhong Guan Cun is surrounded by 82 of China’s top universities where thousands of international students have come to study. We’re busy reaching out, starting new programs, small groups are launching on campuses, and worship services are expanding for English speakers, Koreans, Indonesians, Pacific Islanders, and Africans all under one roof as one big diverse family.
In our last letter we shared about an Ethiopian Ph.d. student who received Jesus in June. Mark had the privilege of baptizing him and a young Englishman recently. Their testimonies stirred our hearts with a fresh reminder of His saving grace for all nations. We are in the planning stages for a new Friday night outreach program for University students. Pray with us us that many will follow Him as these two brothers have chosen to do. There is a wide door of opportunity before us!
After a nine month series on the Gospel of Luke, Mark will begin sermons from Genesis 1-3 this Sunday. Pray these ancient, foundational, truths will equip and embolden our church to faithfully testify to the one true God in their distinct settings. Many new students come every year to BICF and they are coming now! We rejoice with them in their accomplishments as Daniel and Marcus earned Master’s degrees in Journalism and returned to Zambia and Malawi. Change is the one constant in an International church!
Our leaders jumped for joy over the 60+ young people who attended our ZGC English Camp for the children of the employees in the Info Tech Park complex where we worship. These children and their parents were eager and appreciative of this opportunity. The Lord has given us a number of ways to show His love and concern for our nearest neighbors. Pray for our Jerusalem! Several thousand young professionals work daily in the buildings where our church offices and meeting venues are located.
Mark has been asked to be a delegate in The Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization in Cape Town, South Africa in October. This is a wonderful opportunity and privilege to meet with 4000 delegates from around the world. The Africa Host is Henry Orombi who was a friend and colleague when we lived in Uganda. Now he is the Archbishop of the Church of Uganda. We last saw him 16 years ago when he preached in our church in Hawaii. Believers around the world are asked to pray that this conference will be a great advance to His cause. The prayer opportunity is GlobaLink Check out to register as a remote site (for free). They are asking for people to do this by September 10 if possible.
We are planning to be home in the States from November through January 2011. We hope to visit family, friends, and churches. We look forward to being with family for Dayna’s mom’s 85th birthday (in Hawaii) and Mark’s sister’s 50th wedding anniversary (in California). We plan to be in Hawaii from November, and California from mid December to mid January. Please let us know if you would like us to visit. We would love to see you.
Thanks again for your faithful partnership!
Yours for the Nations,
Mark and Dayna Blair
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Beijing International Christian Fellowship / Zhong Guan Cun
Raycom Infotech Park, Tower C, Room B115,
2 Kexueyuan Nanlu, Haidian District, Beijing, China 100190