Once in a while someone will ask, ‘Why did you ever leave Hawaii to come here?’ That question can get us wondering, especially in winter. I am sure Paul also did his wondering. No doubt there were a few down-days in those prison cells when he’d think, ‘what am I doing here?’ But his questions led him back to the unshakeable truth of the empty tomb. “If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith…If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead”
(1 Corinthians 15:14,19,20). The resurrection of Jesus was good medicine for his doubts.
“I will build my church….”
This season of Lent / Easter has given us new joy and confidence in the Lord as we see more of the good work He is doing in Central Asia. One promise of Jesus was, “I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it” (Matthew 16:18). Words of confidence and words of caution; the job will get done, but not without difficulty. I can hear the world snicker as we make this claim. “Christian church!?! Oh, do you mean those empty Cathedrals, or those disgraced Televangelists, or maybe that homosexual bishop?” Yes, there is much to be sorry and ashamed for – hypocrisy and heresies – beginning with us! Yet, sometimes despite us, the Risen Jesus is making good on His Word. In ways beyond our plans and imagination, “you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 2:5). The building rises.
Earlier this month I had the privilege of teaching twelve pastors from around Kazakhstan. This is a new theological academy where I had never been. And this was the first time to spend a week with local pastors since our return. These are not easy days. The value of the dollar is sinking here too, and the intensity of government obstruction to the work of the Gospel is increasing. We know a number of pastors who have given up their calling, a couple who have given up their faith. I was curious to meet these twelve. We spent the week looking at Paul’s letters to leaders – Timothy (1 & 2) and Titus. It is always a great joy to teach the Bible, but there is a special joy when leaders who struggle in service gain fresh insight and encouragement from the Word and Spirit. God blessed us with such a week.

A., the young pastor in the yellow sweater, is married with one daughter. The church he serves near the Uzbekistan border is located in a poor area of his struggling city. A number of kids that come to their church are already alcoholics, several even pre-teen. Gifts their church sacrifices to give these kids are often taken by ‘parents’ and sold. There is a deep feeling of hopelessness in the city. Yet, their church has a good core of mature believer who generously provide financial support for ministry, they are eagerly working and praying to see God awaken the city. As a young pastor A. was especially glad to study 1 Timothy 4.12 and know that he has a ‘right’ to serve, especially as he strives to be a good example in life and ministry. He asks prayer for more confidence and courage in ministry.
Z. is a woman in her sixties. When her “M”/pastor and his wife arrived in this city in 1991, she was one of the first people they met. Before long she became a believer in Jesus and in time a leader in their newly planted church. She says many people who came in those early days remain faithful in their walk with Him, holding on to the Gospel. Z. now serves as a leader for their ‘Academy of the Grey Hairs’ - fellowship and Bible teaching for people over 60, plus a catered lunch! She appreciated Paul’s specific instruction about the care and ministry of widows in 1 Timothy 5. Z. asks for prayer that she will be more effective in this ministry, especially caring for new widows. There are ten other wonderful testimonies from that class which would warm your heart. Someday we’ll have the joy of celebrating all Jesus’ victories. He is building His Church. He is risen, indeed!
In addition to the on-going courses we are teaching here, I will have two weeks of intensive teaching for leaders in April - one in this city and another in the Olympic capital ‘east’ of here. That trip next door will be the first leg of a journey back to Singapore. One year ago we left there having passed through several surgeries for cancer. Now it is time for a check-up. We’d appreciate your prayers – for continued good health, but most of all that He will build His Church.
Resurrection Witnesses for the Next Generation
Dayna has been teaching at Tien Shan School since August 1998. Each year it has been a joy to impact the lives of these “M” young people. I have taught many subjects. I now thoroughly love the challenge of teaching 8th grade History. We are on a week of Spring Break and I am preparing for my next course, Central Asian History. This past Term I taught Geography: Map Skills to 14 great international, multilingual, and competitive students. They’re from Korea, USA, and Singapore. I challenged the students at the beginning of the Term that if they wanted an “A” they had to work very hard because I required a lot of work. Well, after completing their grades there were 10 students that earned A’s, the rest got B’s or C’s. It is my passion to not just teach facts and locations, but to give them a vision of what God is doing in that nation. They have learned about more than 200 nations! A few years ago I discovered a compilation of ‘Geography Songs’ to help students learn facts through catchy tunes. They really help. As we ‘sing and learn’ in class, former students who pass by in the hallway join in the singing! A 10th grader from America was recently in the States on Home Assignment with her family. She told me she “breezed” through Geography because she remembered the songs from 8th grade! My prayer is that as they learn about a nation’s features, cultures, and peoples, they’ll gain a burden that many of these peoples have not heard the good news of the Risen Jesus. One former student, a class mate of our Nathan’s, is now sharing with Muslims in India, another is in China. May the Lord call more these students to peoples and places He created. (If you and your family want to pray for the nations, get a copy of Operation World.) The greatest joy in teaching is to see students love God and His world and realize they have a part in making Christ known to all peoples.
Amazing Disco Easter
Our Easter day was wonderful. We had a tremendous celebration at our International Christian Fellowship. As you may remember, we gather in a well known Dance club in the middle of Almaty. One crowd clears out about 5 a.m. on Sunday’s, and those who have something better to dance about arrive about 10!

We had people from every continent come to glorify Him who made every constellation. We had the privilege of baptizing two high school girls who have been faithful participants of our music team. Their testimonies of Him who died and rose again for us were a strong encouragement to us all. And, as you can see, we also remembered the Lord in communion.
Following our service, we shared lunch and fellowship together. Then we ended the day watching the film “Amazing Grace” on the life of William Wilberforce. (By all means watch it if you can.) What a great day. We worshipped the God-Man who saved the world, and then watched the story of one man who changed the world in His Name. It was a good reminder of our calling to be the earthly ‘hands and feet’ of Him who ascended to reign.
We are so grateful for your generous support and faithful prayers which keep us thriving here.
We pray that you too will know the joy of His Risen power in the coming days.
Gratefully in Him,
Mark and Dayna Blair