September 30, 2005

Teaching Those who Teach More!

“In the Tropics heading for the Tundra”
An Update from the Blair’s in Kazakhstan
October   2005


Kazakhstan Mailing address:                                      
Almaty 43                                                                 
P.O. Box 101                                                            
480043 Kazakhstan                                                    
Home Phone (7-3272) 550128

10123 William Carey Drive
OrlandoFlorida 32832-6020 USA

Our Church: International Christian Fellowship, Almaty

Tien Shan School

Dear Faithful Friend,

Your interest and support of our work in Kazakhstan has extended for seven years – thanks for being so faithful! When we left the Tropics of Hilo, Hawaii in 1998 for the Tundra of Kazakhstan we did not know all that He had for us to do here. We have enjoyed these years of Kingdom service and praise Him for very many blessings.

It has been some time since we sent a surface letter. We regularly send email letters – now with pictures! If you wish to receive these, please write  We realize not everyone has email and we apologize for the long silence by surface mail.

In 2 Timothy 2.2 the Apostle Paul sets forth a pattern for Gospel advancement. He desires God’s life-giving Word to be passed on – from Paul, to Timothy, to reliable men, and to those whom they will reach. The photo below shows how the Lord has allowed us to see this Kingdom extension here in Central Asia. Bahyt (bottom row center) was a student in our early days here. Then Mark invited him to teach Evangelism at Kazakhstan Evangelical Christian Seminary. Bahyt has proved a faithful teacher and example to many. The six young leaders in the polo shirts on the edges of the group were some of his students. These six, with Bahyt as their overseer/encourager, then taught the twenty-nine people who proudly display their certificates in Evangelism training.

Only God knows the Kingdom fruit He will bring through these thirty-six enthusiastic evangelists. The course pictured above took place in the far north of Kazakhstan, near the Russian border, hundreds of miles from Almaty. And of course, it was taught in Russian language. These leaders, whom we have a small part in teaching, can best announce the Eternal Word of God in the changing cultures and languages of Central Asia. Your support of us here has been an essential part of this great work.

Your support has also been part of a similar advancement through Tien Shan School. This school for children of missionaries continues to grow in size and significance. They started with fifteen children in 1995. This Fall more than 180 kids from 12 nations are enrolled from K through 12 grade. God is using, and will use, these ‘Third Culture Kids’ in significant ways for His Glory. They have gained an understanding of the world few children receive. Below you can see the students and staff of Tien Shan School.

Dayna has begun her eighth year of teaching Tien Shan School. This year she is teaching in the Jr. High Department and coaching the Volleyball team.

Mark and Dayna are both teaching church leaders in local Bible schools. This Fall Dayna is teaching Christian Education and Mark teaches New Testament Survey and a Systematic Theology class.

This Fall two more books which Mark has written will be published. His book on ‘Preaching’ is now in Kazakh language. (It was published in Russian last year.) This is the first book on Homiletics in the Kazakh language! Thank God for a great translator and pray that He will use it to encourage Kazakh preachers. A book of sermon outlines on the ‘Life of Abraham’ (Genesis 12-25) has been translated into Russian. (Last year sermon outlines on Ephesians was printed in Russian language.) We are thankful for the opportunity to share through publications and pray that they will be used by God here.  

We also thank God for the ministry of International Christian Fellowship here in Almaty which Mark serves as pastor. We have a great team of leaders and members to share in the ministry. This Fall Mark began a preaching series through the Gospel of John. We want to explore new avenues of outreach among Almaty’s growing ex-patriat community. Pray for God to make this a great year of Kingdom advance here.

The boys we brought here seven years ago have grown up, two have gone back to the USA. Our oldest and youngest sons are in a house in Eugene, Oregon. We are thankful they are together. The Lord has blessed them with jobs and they’re growing in wisdom and maturity.

Nathan turned 21 in July. He has completed three years of University, 2 in Hawaii and 1 in Oregon. He is not studying this year in order to gain Oregon residency. He has a good full time job as a waiter in a restaurant. He continues on the staff of a newly forming magazine which you can find on the web – He has also joined the ministry team for College students in his church in Eugene.

Josiah was working in the Oregon for the summer but he is now back in Almaty with his wife, Masha, and their daughter,  Maylee.. Masha still has another year in University here. Thanks for keeping this young family in your prayers.

Our ‘baby’ – Aaron - is now 18 and looking down on his ‘little brothers.’ He has begun his studies at Lane Community College in Eugene. Thanks for praying for our sons in all these matters - Masha and Maylee too!

We so appreciate your faithful prayers and generous support.

Yours in Him whose Promises are True!
Mark and Dayna Blair

Sons in Oregon, USA
260 High Street - Eugene, Oregon 97401 - USA
Nathan Blair - Mobile: (541) 206 7635 -

Also in Almaty - Josiah, Masha, and Maylee Blair -

Population of Kazakhs – in Kazakhstan – almost 10 Million - in China - over 1 million Believers in Jesus – in Almaty (largest city in Kazakhstan) – 10 out of every 1000 - in the rest of Kazakhstan - 1 out of every 1000 - in China - 1 out of every 10,000