August 24, 2024

Another Journey Around the Sun - for 2!

Dear Ones,

It is quite a shock to wake up in the morning and see someone that looks a lot like your grandfather staring back from the bathroom mirror. Then you remember, “Hey, you ARE old!” It’s not like we are old enough to be President of the USA or anything, but we both celebrate another lap the sun this month.

Back in 1982 our pastor preached from Psalm 67 in our wedding, and God is still pouring out the mercy to walk it, “May God bless us still, so that all the ends of the earth will fear him” (Psalm 67.7). We have received so many blessings, and it has been our greatest joy trying to give them away!

Thanks so much for the many years of your prayers and support for us and God’s Church.

We continue to serve with the Community Life team of IDEAS.

“Vision: People and communities experiencing abundant life…Community development is the foundation of all our work. We start by listening. Partnering with local people to identify needs, IDEAS provides expertise that is missing or underrepresented in the community. Our associates are experts in Agriculture, Education, Health & Wellness, Disability Services, and Anti-Human Trafficking. We seek out and amplify the voices of the marginalized. With outstretched hands and humble hearts, our programs respect the local community while encouraging people to pursue the values of God’s kingdom” (from our website: you will find updated information here about what we are doing and where we are going…)

Our specific focus is to encourage workers in Asia (virtually, and in our recent visit) and we are sharing mission opportunities with churches and potential workers here in Hawaii. Also, we have been asked to be part of a gathering of our Associates in early 2025.

“I have been young, and now am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread” (Psalm 37.25).


God has been very gracious to our family.

We made a quick trip to Portland in early July. In the photo above we are with our son, Aaron, and Nathan's wife Heather, and their sons, Kekoa and Makana.


Our son, Nathan, turned 40 this summer, while he worked with a salmon fishing crew in Alaska for six weeks.  Nathan is home now as he and Heather and their boys get ready for the birth of  # 3 this Fall.

This summer our son Josiah had a great visit with his daughter, Maylee, in Almaty! Maylee begins her third year of University in Kazakhstan this Fall. Josiah is working hard in Istanbul. His Tersane project is moving forward ( – if you’re looking for a condominium in a beautiful location, he’s your guy.

Our youngest son, Aaron, just had a birthday too. We rejoice with Aaron and Kara who were married on May the 4th.  They are living in Eugene, Oregon.

We celebrate God’s heart for the nations in our little church in Kapa’au, Hawaii – “Kalahikiola” – the dawning of a new day ( ).

Last Sunday we heard from Tami who was born and raised in our church and now serves in Honolulu. She works with young people being saved from drugs, gangs, and heartbreaks - even in ‘paradise!’  ( ). The six young people in the photo have already seen a lot of life. They came with her to our island for a work project.  Not all missionaries need a passport.

We also had a young man from Mexico, here on a mission project, and a young man from Honolulu who is preparing for long term service in Armenia, with us for worship. They are great modern day living illustrations for my sermon series through the Book of Acts. Missions today are from everywhere to everywhere.


This month we had a “Keiki Bible Club.” Thirty children from our community came for a week of Gospel ministry. We were blessed to have a team come from Child Evangelism Fellowship to lead our program. We praise the Lord for their faithfulness to the Word and their kindness to the children.

Please pray with us as we reach out to children and their families in our community. We will have our August 25th   Sunday service at our local beach - followed by a baptism.  

Recommended Reading for the Journey:

“If you are like most people, it probably doesn't seem all that long ago since you were a teeny bopper looking at people who were the age that you are now and seeing nothing but a drooping bag of varicose veins, flab, wrinkles, and dentures. You probably said to yourself in disgust, ‘I hope I'm dead before I get that old.’ Here you are. You are that old….Oh sure; you could easily do without the loss of memory, back ache, bleeding gums, fatigue, loss of memory, sore joints, bad heart, loss of memory, extra weight, hemorrhoids, chronic indigestion, loss of memory, arthritis and loss of memory. And the loss of memory can be tough too…The purpose of this book is to provide enough information that we can successfully eliminate your fear of a geriatric least the ones that you can remember…By the way, did we mention that we have arthritis?”

from “Geezerhood” by Wayne Allred

The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance”                           (Psalm 16.6).

These words of David have proven so true for us. May you know this delight through our Lord Jesus - whom David called Lord - as we journey together round the sun!

Gratefully in Him, Mark and Dayna Blair

Phones Mark 808-218-4872 / Dayna 808-218-3698
Emails  /
Web Site
IDEAS, 7852 South Elati Street, Suite 202, Littleton, Colorado 80120

May 30, 2024

Circle the Globe! Gain a Day!!

Aloha! We are back home in Kapa’au!

Thanks so much for praying for us during our month-long trek around the world. We praise the Lord for His mercies and gracious care. Thanks to those who shared your kind hospitality!

We spent time in 4 countries, two where we once lived.

After 30 plus hours of travel, we stepped from Hawaii into dry and sunny Madaba, the 9th-biggest city in Jordan, population 122,008. It was a Moabite border city in the bronze age. Today large historic churches freely worship Jesus peacefully in this predominantly Muslim city. We stayed six days, enjoying fellowship with IDEAS colleagues. We both shared messages on leadership from the life of Moses.


The food was delicious, and people were warm and welcoming. We climbed down to the cell where John the Baptist was beheaded, stood where Elijah was taken by a whirlwind to heaven, saw where heaven’s dove landed on the baptized Jesus, and walked up Mt. Nebo where Moses took his final view of the Promised Land. We enjoyed friendly chats with Jordanians who proudly considered Jesus their own homeboy. None that we met doubted whether He existed!


From Jordan we flew north to Türkiye. We enjoyed three days in amazing Cappadocia. We climbed through ancient caverns which housed people during times of turmoil, even persecuted Christians. We met an IDEAS colleague who has served well there for a number of years.

Then we flew to the beautiful old city of Istanbul for a visit with our son, Josiah. It was great to see the Tersane project and meet his colleagues. ( It was great for us proud parents to see the good work he is doing there.


 Then we returned to a place we lived for 11 happy years Almaty, Kazakhstan. We were so thankful to be with friends, colleagues, and especially our granddaughter, Maylee. It was a special joy to celebrate Easter again, according to the Julian calendar followed by Orthodox Christians, with dear friends at Almagul Presbyterian Church. Four days in Almaty sped by!

Then we returned to where we spent the next 12 years of our lives, Beijing, China. We rejoiced to connect with dear friends and colleagues. We were encouraged by visits with IDEAS associates. It has been three years since we moved back to USA. The resilience of faithful Christians to worship and witness amidst the tightening grip of opposition magnified God’s power and purpose.

Our hearts were stolen by three new friends. They were abandoned as babies because they were not considered whole. But caring Christians rescued them. They are daily proving how loving care, healthy food, and prayerful concern bring life. Best of all, they now have a Father whose Son has made them complete. Sara, on my lap, cannot hear very well, but she has just learned to sing. We loved her first song, “稣爱我 - Jesus Loves Me! 

After circling the globe we were surprised by the pilot’s announcement when we landed in Honolulu, “It is Thursday, May 16th.” Again?! Opps! I forgot the International Dateline. Thank you, Southwest, for freely changing our inter-island flight with smiles! And for friends coming to the Kona airport 24 hours earlier than expected! So, one way or another, we made all our connections by the grace of sustaining mercies of God! Praise the Lord!


We are thankful to be back with our church family at Kalahikiola. The Chief Shepherd took good care of His flock here. Thanks for your prayers as we continue to serve this congregation and work as Church Ambassadors for IDEAS to the islands and for colleagues in Asia.

“We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ…you have already heard in the true message of the gospel that has come to you…the gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world”      Colossians 1.3-6 NIV


In Him who Saves to the Uttermost, Mark and Dayna Blair


Phones Mark 808-218-4872 / Dayna 808-218-3698


Emails  /





Web Site


IDEAS, 7852 South Elati Street, Suite 202, Littleton, Colorado 80120





April 1, 2024

Risen Champion of the Islands!


Aloha, this Easter Monday!

We praise the Lord for allowing us to once again rejoice in Him as we remembered the greatest week of human history! How thankful for we are for “…our Savior, Christ Jesus, who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel” (2 Timothy 1.9,10 NIV). The tomb is empty, all God’s promises are “Yes!” and “Amen!” in Him. I, Mark, am eternally grateful that 52 years ago this high school kid trying to find fun during Easter camp on Catalina Island was found by Him who has given me a lifetime of fun. Christ is Risen, Indeed!

We recently represented IDEAS at the Hawaiian Islands Ministries conference in Honolulu. We met a number of people who are thinking through how to use their gifts and skills as part of God’s global mission.  We shared with them various ways that IDEAS is at work to provide marginalized individuals and vulnerable communities the opportunity to live flourishing, abundant lives.  At IDEAS, we focus on holistic community development. We work with local communities to address needs in agriculture, health & wellness, education, disability, and anti-human trafficking. (

In a couple weeks we plan to fly around the world! In mid-April we will take a ministry trip for IDEAS. We plan to join with our Community Life team and 
Middle East workers for a conference in Jordan. From there we plan to visit our son, Josiah, who works in Istanbul and our granddaughter in Almaty, Kazakhstan. We look forward to the ministry opportunities the Lord has placed before in the places we stop during our month of travel and service. We are very grateful for your prayers and support through IDEAS that allow us to make this journey.

We are grateful for the life the Lord has given us here in Kapa’au, Hawaii. “The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance” (Psalm 16.6). The people of Kalahikiola Church have become a loving family in Christ. Our small town turns out the lights by 8 pm.   

We joined with Christians from our community to “Walk the Cross” on Good Friday. It helped us remember and appreciate the righteous sufferings of our gracious Lord who bore the wrath of God for sins. Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Six churches from our Kohala community joined together for our Sunrise service this morning. Our men from Kalahikiola Church began scrambling eggs for 200 people at 3 am. We praise the Lord for the clear Gospel message presented by the pastor of the Baptist church who came to know Jesus right here in this town. He came as a New Age seeker and found Him who makes all things New!

Then we had our Kalahikiola Church service later in the morning,  ten miles along the coast, at Keokea Beach Park. Our members and a number of visitors gathered to praise our Risen Lord.


 We closed our service hearing the testimony of three young women who have decided to follow Jesus. Then we walked down to the water and they were baptized!

 Just one tiny spot on our globe. The tip of a small island in the vast Pacific Ocean. Yet the Risen Jesus was lifted up in our praise as we gathered in His Name – as He is in every place where people call upon Him – including your neck of the woods! 

“Let them give glory to the Lord and proclaim his praise in the islands. The Lord will march out like a champion, like a warrior he will stir up his zeal; with a shout he will raise the battle cry and will triumph over his enemies” (Isaiah 42.12,13).

Gratefully captured by His Grace, Mark and Dayna Blair


Phones Mark 808-218-4872 / Dayna 808-218-3698


Emails  /





Web Site


IDEAS, 7852 South Elati Street, Suite 202, Littleton, Colorado 80120










December 17, 2023

Advent Blessings from Kapa'au


Aloha from the Hale (house) Kahu (of the pastor),

By God’s mercy it is Advent again. Our hope is closer than it has ever been! We’ll soon light the Christmas candle with our new family of faith at Kalahikiola Congregational Church in Kapa’au, Hawaii, population 2,004.  We are thankful for our first year of pastoral service here.

One blessing of old age is growing more and more convinced of the truth and power of the gospel of Jesus Christ – “the same yesterday, today, and forever.”

Our grey heads groan for “adoption as sons and the redemption of our bodies.” And yet, to the praise of His glory, we’re already seated with Him in heavenly places. By the gift of faith, we rest securely in His once-for-all redemption. We try to begin most days with devotion but must end every day with repentance. We’ve tearfully watched dear ones stubbornly refuse Jesus, preferring the bitter fruit of their rebellion – some for decades! We’ve also walked with brothers and sisters through sickness, poverty, disappointment, and abuse for long hard years “afflicted in every way but not crushed” – trusting in the Savior who stands for them.

Even more, this gospel - so perfectly designed for our sins and struggles - fits every person. The Creator of every culture sent His Son who speaks every language, sings in every style, and sympathizes with every pain. The Nazarene satisfies hearts in every land. We have never seen a person too far or too foreign to be saved by the Jesus of the Scriptures – “we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world.”

We are blessed to be part of a encouraging and outward looking church. We are growing together in the Word – Acts on Sundays and Romans on Wednesday nights. As the Spirit applies the truths of God, our vision for our families and  communities to know and follow Jesus is growing. 

We have worked with sister churches here on issues that impact our community.

Looking at our small community through our old mission-eyes we see kids in spiritual darkness. Their Moms and Dads profess no faith, some are hostile to religion, the light of Jesus rarely cracks into their worlds. We have learned from Child Evangelism Fellowship that Hawaii law allows facilities use on campus after school hours. So, we hope to offer Bible, song, and sharing to children at Kohala Elementary School. “Good News Clubs” have been held on over a dozen campuses throughout our state.  ( “Our vision is that every child on every island can hear the Gospel by the age of twelve.”)

CEF came to our church and trained a dozen committed believers from our community to lead clubs. Enthusiasm and vision are building. Not surprisingly, the school authorities have been dragging their feet in resistance. We’d be grateful for your prayers for the 300+ children in our public school, their families, and their teachers.   

Another cause that has banded our area churches is life. Hawaii was the first state to legalize abortion, after the Roe v. Wade decision in early 1970. Now our state lawmakers are busy seeking to enshrine death in our constitution – suggesting that abortions be linked to sunny vacations! Last month I taught my second “4 Questions” training, using great material from PassionLife friends we met in Beijing. (Your heart will thrill to see how they’re promoting life around the world, ). We are in conversation with leaders of crisis pregnancy centers on our island about them helping us open an outpost in our town. Join us in praying for moms, dad, and families, to receive and cherish every life God gives.

We praise the Lord for the privilege of serving as IDEAS Community Life workers with a focus on Asia. We have the privilege of encouraging colleagues who leverage their professional skills to help communities and individuals flourish. We marvel to live in a world with fibre-optic connections all the way to our island!

After a thorough study of their work around the world, IDEAS has decided to focus especially on six nations that offer great opportunity for Kingdom advance. The good work they are doing in other places will carry on as well. But we are praying for stronger multi-focused teams in – China, Kazakhstan, Jordan, Tunisia, Argentina, and Guatemala - to deepen the experience of abundant life for people and communities there.

Here is a new IDEAS video to help explain our work:

IDEAS Mission, Vision, & Core Values


We are thankful for the Lord’s care for our family this year. As we moved back to the USA from China, we suspected if we lived in Hawaii, we would get some visitors. We hoped so! We had no idea we’d be so blessed to live in a big parsonage, our biggest digs in 42 years of marriage. We have had the joy of hosting all three sons, our daughter-in-law, and all three grandchildren in the last year.

We are very grateful for your prayers, support, and friendship. May your joy and hope be renewed this season as we wait for Him who will come and make “all things new.”

Gratefully in His Grip, Mark and Dayna Blair




Web Site

 IDEAS, 7852 South Elati Street, Suite 202, Littleton, Colorado 80120


August 15, 2023

Fires in Hawaii

Dear Friends and Family,

By God’s grace we are fine here in Kapa’au, Hawaii. Many thanks for your notes of concern and prayers for us. We understand that news of “fire in Hawaii” is hard to interpret, especially with so many grim pictures!  We did have fires on our island, some about half an hour away from our home, on Tuesday and Wednesday. Acres of grassland and a few structures burned. Winds from hurricane Dora reached 80 mph here. Thank God for our Hawaii County Firemen, including a young man in our congregation who is a Captain.

Tomorrow our “Prayer for the Nations” in Kalahikiola Church will be for the closest land. Twenty-six miles across the Alenuihaha Channel from us lies the island of Maui. You can see Haleakalā ‘house of the rising sun’ towering at 10,000 feet over the island of Maui.  Global newscasts have bulletined the horrible fire in Lahaina. I am sure you have been praying for them too. Some of us know that our possessions are just stuff, but to have them burned away in a moment is shocking. Even more devastating is the loss of loved ones! May the Lord grant them comfort and hope.

Yesterday we pastor’s in Kohala prayed especially for our colleagues on Maui. May the Lord help them convey His hope – in Word and deed – and give them the strength to extend comfort even when they desperately need it too!

Several churches burned in Lahaina. Waiola Church played a big role in Hawaiian history. As their website says, “Waiola is where Christianity began on the island of Maui. On Oahu, Queen Keōpūolani was impressed with the Missionaries and the message they brought to the kingdom. Keōpūolani was considered to be the highest ranking Ali’i (Royalty) in Hawaii, even higher than her husband, Kamehameha the Great. Keopuolani left Oahu in May of 1823 to reside in Lahaina. She asked that missionaries Reverend William Richards and Reverend Charles Stewart travel with her to speak “The Good Word” and pray to God with her. They arrived in Lahaina on May 31, 1823 and the first Christian worship service was held on the beach the following day. Unfortunately, Queen Keōpūolani fell ill and died on September 16, 1823. Her request to be baptized in the Christian faith was fulfilled just one hour before her death. She and other Hawaiian Ali’i are buried in the Royal Tomb, located in the Waiola Church graveyard.” Keōpūolani knew her public baptism would make strategic impact to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Kingdom of Hawaii. So, she wisely traveled to the Capital (at that time) of Lahaina. She was right! Thousands of Hawaiians throughout the islands followed her in repentance and faith in Christ. The stone church Waiola opened in 1832 seated 3000 worshippers!

This church kindly supported our mission work over the years, especially when Dayna’s cousin, Kekapa Lee, was their pastor. Today only the charred tombs remain. Let us pray that their members – who are The Church! – will rebuild and continue to make Christ known.

May His Name be praised all around the world tomorrow, from Lahaina to the ends of the earth!

Mark and Dayna Blair 

Phones Mark 808-218-4872 / Dayna 808-218-3698


Emails  /





Web Site


IDEAS, 7852 South Elati Street, Suite 202, Littleton, Colorado 80120





July 20, 2023

Calvinists Persevere Calvin…by Grace!

Aloha! From the not as Big as we thought Island!!

For the last 50 years of trying to follow Jesus, John Calvin has been a trusted friend and mentor. But in the last few days Calvin has stormed across the Pacific as a terrible foe and menace. He would probably be surprised that the nomenclature of the World Meteorological Organization has made him such a bad boy. (I know some have always thought Calvin a bad boy! Not sure if there will be any hurricanes named Arminius?)

Our island, Hawaii, is big enough to fit all the other Hawaiian Islands within, the ‘Big Island.’ But Calvin was bigger! Storm clouds swallowed the island and poured rain. Thank the Lord for His kind providence, the damage was minimal! Calvin was ‘just’ a Tropical Storm at impact.

Strange how some can be hit by a monster storm and still wonder, “Is there really a God?” Strange and sad.  Old John was correct, “Only those who have learned well to be earnestly dissatisfied with themselves, and to be confounded with shame at their wretchedness truly understand the Christian gospel…No man is excluded from calling upon God, the gate of salvation is set open unto all men: neither is there any other thing which keeps us back from entering in, save only our own unbelief” John Calvin (1509-1564).

‘Kalawina’ Churches’

I imagine Calvin would be more pleased to know his name is linked to vibrant churches here in Hawaii today. The first missionaries who sailed from Boston and landed in Hawaii in 1820 were Calvinistic ‘Kalawina’ Congregationalists. They planted dozens of churches throughout the 8 islands of the Kingdom of Hawaii.

One of those churches was where we now serve Kalahikiola (Hawaiian for “the day salvation comes”) Congregational Church founded in 1832 in Kapa’au. We are very thankful to be a part of the Kalahikiola ‘ohana’ (family!). The Lord is growing us in depth and numbers as we worship and serve Him. From August I will be teaching Romans on Wednesday nights and preaching through Acts in the morning, God willing. We are praying for greater impact in our little community, especially asking the Lord to open doors for elective after-school Bible teaching for kids in our local schools.

Last Saturday we drove to the other side of our island to celebrate with a sister ‘Kalawina’ church – Kalapana Maunakea First Hawaiian Congregational Church. They celebrated their 200th anniversary! British missionary William Ellis preached to several hundred Hawaiians on the beach at Kalapana in 1823. Earthquakes, tsunamis, and lava have pushed them around, but they have continued to worship the Lord God – now in their fifth building! We were greeted through video by Ellis’ great, great, grandson, the Rev. David Ellis, aged 94, who rejoiced that the work of God continues! We heard stories about the youth of Kalapana in the 1880’s who marched three days to get to the all-state Song Contest at Haili Church in Hilo, singing as they carried their church banner. They walked back home with a beautiful trophy, presented by the Queen, as the winners of the contest. As the pastor’s wife led us in worship she called our attention to the cross in their chancel, “Jesus is not hanging on that cross. He is here with us now. And He will be with us for our next 200 years of worshipping Him!”  

Holding the Rope with IDEAS

Many people have heard of William Carey, do you know about his good friend Andrew Fuller? In 1792, William Carey published a treatise with the long title: An Enquiry Into the Obligations of Christians to Use Means for the Conversion of the Heathens. Carey challenged the hyper-Calvinistic idea that God would save the lost without workers going out in mission. Carey reasoned that the Great Commission of Matthew 28:18–20 is a binding command on every generation of Christians. Carey went to India and served faithfully there until he died in 1834.

Before leaving for India, Carey challenged his friend Fuller, “I will go down into the pit, if you will hold the rope.” Fuller held the ropes by serving as president of the Baptist Mission Society from its founding until his death in 1814. He traveled the British Isles, raising funds and preaching mission sermons. Missionaries in India and other early fields could concentrate on their work because they knew Fuller was advocating for them back home.

 Dayna and I have the privilege of holding the rope for our IDEAS colleagues serving in 13 nations. As they demonstrate transformational love by serving the holistic needs of vulnerable communities around the world with their professional skills we hold the ropes. Specifically, we are part of the Community Life team. Every week we zoom with CL colleagues to pray and serve our colleagues in practical ways. Dayna and I have been asked to especially encourage IDEAS workers in Asia. This will probably mean a visit to them in 2024. Now we connect with them virtually. We are looking forward to launching a global zoom study group of the book Extravagant Grace by Barbara Duguid (highly recommended!) this Fall.

We were in California and Oregon last month. Mark was honored to officiate a beautiful wedding for family in Santa Cruz. Lots of family gathered for a great celebration. We then had the privilege of sharing with supporting churches in California during the month of June. It was a great encouragement to meet friends and see the Lord’s work there. Many thanks to those who continue support and pray for us. We are very blessed to hold ropes for others now, having been held so well by you these last 40 years.

As I did a bit of searching on the Calvins, these words by John have caused a storm in my heart, “If a preacher is not first preaching to himself, better that he falls on the steps of the pulpit and breaks his neck than preaches that sermon.” We so appreciate your prayers and encouragement to continue faithful to Jesus!

Gratefully in His grip, Mark and Dayna Blair


Phones Mark 808-218-4872 / Dayna 808-218-3698


Emails  /





Web Site


IDEAS, 7852 South Elati Street, Suite 202, Littleton, Colorado 80120